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September 11th 2006
Published: September 11th 2006
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Right well.

i left bali there a week ago before finishing my dive caosre and driving around on my moped, and runnign into the police who decided they would have lots of my money and little i could do about that. but ah well moved onto java now

Been venturing around a good bit. my first stop was a small town called probolingo and from there i went to an active volcanio called mount grunung bromo, and lucky for me it was extremly active the day i went and sulphur was popping out the top and the government was advising people not to go within 1 km of it. so i decided to go up the mountain beside it which was 2400 m high and 6 km walk up and 6 km back down. and was savage was able to see write into the volcanio so was just as good.

then moved onto Yogyakata which is biug city right in the middle of the island. yesterday went to the twop huge temples in the area and managed to have a good laugh, there was a school outing from the local international all girls school. and myself and this english guy called noel were walking around mindingh our own business when every second girl would come up to us. they all had been given a task of improving there english by talking to touristest. and myself and noel were the only tourists at the temple. so we had a good laugh filling in fake address's and making up fake names. and lads dont be confussed if you get a couple of calls any day now. especially you rich lots of young single indonesian girls now have you phone number.

then after i got back to my hotel i went to the local church which is opposite my hotelk room. and they invited me to there 5 o clock service, it was savage just like home but in a different language. was brilliant after talking to a couple of the guys from the church very friendly. they've invited me to all sorts of thing. so gona pop into a couple of them. so been a great way of getting to know the indonesian people. and there are hardly any tourists around so most of my time is being spent with the locals and its great getting to know them as there culture is not so different from ours. been brill anyway. met some great caracters anyway. met this dutch couple aswell who traveled with me from the volcanio to yogyakarta so been great getting to know them aswell. big football fans aswell so watched a couple of games with them on saturday.
right better go. off to the monkey's on thurswday so that should be a bit of a laugh anyway. then be home on sunday.


11th September 2006

Ok is it my imagination or has Pete got himself some popeye muscles since the beginning of trip...just from the one from Java where you eating or something..ya actually look kinda my eyes not working or something!

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