The 'Top End'

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September 5th 2014
Published: September 12th 2014
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September 5th - Today we rose at 4:30 a.m., stumbled aboard ‘Jack’s Bus’ for the three-hour ride to the Sydney Airport, and boarded an airplane for the four and a half flight to Darwin, or as it’s known in Australia, ‘The Top End’. As we arrive at the airport the weather was not just warm, it was hot! This is the Australia I’ve always heard of!! We ended the evening watching the sun set into a beautiful blue sea from our balcony on the 16thfloor.

Our first full day in Darwin was a busy one. In the morning we visited the 130-year old, George Brown Botanical Gardens. A beautiful retreat in the city, this garden has a variety of indigenous tropical plants and trees as well as many others from around the world. How I envy the people who can explore this garden on a regular basis. Nose Hill, the massive park near our home is beautiful, but the wind, rain, snow, and extreme temperatures can make it challenging to enjoy year round.

Our next stop was the Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. This was a fascinating place with such a variety of displays. There were Aboriginal art and cultural exhibits. I found it incredible that there are over 70 languages spoken by these peoples in just the Northern Territory! Another exhibit told the story of Cyclone Tracy which struck Darwin early Christmas morning in 1974. Much of the town was completely destroyed and many people lost their lives. It was a reminder of the power of nature, but also the resilience of people, as I look over this city and marvel at what it is today. The maritime exhibit contained a number of vessels used to sail the seas. I was struck by one vessel in particular. In the ‘70’s I remember the Vietnamese ‘Boat People’ who came to Canada. Many of them also came to Australia. One of these boats was on display. If boats could talk, I wonder what stories it could tell.

Our next visit was ‘Crocosaurs Cove’. We hadn’t ventured far when we discovered we were in a TOURIST TRAP!! Luckily, we used our bush whacking skills and escaped before any real harm was done.

Our final stop was the Darwin Military Museum. We weren’t sure what to expect, but it
It's WARM!! It's WARM!! It's WARM!!

No more long underwear!
was well worth the visit. Most of the exhibits focused on WW II, and the role Darwin the Northern Territories played. Although, I knew Australia was an ally during the war, I was unaware that they were bombed – over 100 times and many lives were lost.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


12th September 2014

Greetings from YWCA Calgary
Hi Michele and David, Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Down Under adventure and beatuiful photographs with us back here in Calgary - the "Snowtember" capital of the world (although it is heating up and the snow is melting). Safe travels as you see more of your extended family's country, and enjoy and relish every part of your life changing journey! Christine
12th September 2014

Thinking of my 'other' family at the YWCA
Hi Christine. I heard about the snow -- seems Calgary likes to make the headline. Last year rain, this year snow! We are having a great time in this beautiful land! I can barely keep up writing about it all!
14th September 2014

Ahhh at the Top
Sounds like you are busy, but having fun. What was the temperature. We are in Winnipeg after travelling from Calgary to Edmonton to Saskatoon to Flin Flon. I have neglected the blog a bit as we have not had internet service in northern Manitoba but will get back at it now that we are in Winnipeg. Glad you are having such a great time, the pictures are great!!!
14th September 2014

The "Top End" is tops!
The daytime temperature has ranged from the high 20's to the mid 30's. No complaints as Calgary was experiencing snow at the same time!
15th September 2014

Greetings from the Infirmary!
I'd pay real money to trade places with you! I have just sat down to read you wonderful blogs and beautiful photos. Seems like our "screw up fairy" gave Julietta viral meningitis too. I hope she's done with us! Judy and Mal are such wonderful hosts, it's going to be a hard good-bye. Maybe when you get to the big red rock you can use its' mystic powers to "beam me over"!
15th September 2014

Time to shoot the fairy!
So sorry to hear about J & J. Been thinking a lot about you today -- Dad's birthday. We're in Uluru now - the big red rock at the Sails in the Desert Hotel. It's as swanky as it sounds. Had a drink by the pool and thought you would just revel in this -- say Italy over and over, click your ruby red slippers and maybe we'll meet in the middle.

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