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Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen
July 25th 2014
Published: July 26th 2014
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Bikes EverywhereBikes EverywhereBikes Everywhere

I have never seen so many bikes in a city.

Today we woke to another fine day and put our bags out at 7:00 and after breakfast left at 8:00 for the 4-hour drive to Copenhagen. We headed south to Malmo and took the mighty 5-mile-long Oresund Bridge, which links Sweden with Denmark, across the Kattegat sea area to Copenhagen. Upon arrival in the Danish capital of Copenhagen, we explored a lovely market selling fruits, vegetables, scrumptious-looking deserts, flowers, and other goods. A local tour guide joined us to take us on a tour of this beautiful city. We viewed the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum, National Museum and Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Daniksh Parliament, Prime Minister’s Office and Superior Court. We continued on to the colorful 17thcentury harbor district of Nyhavn, and Amalienborg Palace, the winter residence of the Danish Royal Family as well as the site of the changing of the Guard. We visited the Gefion Fountain, the largest monument in the city which was designed and erected in 1908 by Danish artist Anders Bundgard and the Little Mermaid statue. We were brought back to our hotel to enjoy the remainder of the afternoon to explore the city on our own. Sharyn and I decided to go back

to our room and take a nap, really the first nap we have had since we arrived.

Feeling refreshed, we met our group in the lobby for a highlight visit to the Tivoli Gardens, the most visited theme park in Scandinavia and the 2nd oldest amusement park in the world. After a brief orientation through the gardens, our tour guide cut us loose to enjoy the remaining of the evening on our own.

We immediately found a lovely restaurant that was recommended to us. We all had chicken with crushed potatoes and sun-dried tomatoes and olives. It was delicious as have been most of our meals here. There was going to be a concert in the park tonight and people started staking out their spots on the lawn at about 7:00 for a 10:00 concert. We walked around poking our heads in different shops, buying nothing.

We came across an elderly couple sitting on a bench and they had a huge box that resembled a huge candy bar. We were with Annelle and Patsy and Annelle stopped to ask them what where they got such a thing and they said that they won it at one of the arcade games. Annelle wanted a picture so I took one and then a young man jumped in and wanted his picture taken with Annelle. It was pretty funny. The couple then proceeded to open up the box and gave us each a candy bar. I don’t know how many were in there but there were a lot.

It was a beautiful night but the people were streaming in and it was getting more and more crowded so we decided to return to the hotel and call it a night. Thankfully, we don’t have to pack tonight as we are spending our last night in Scandinavia in the same hotel. Another wonderful day comes to a close.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Tivooli Gardens Amusement ParkTivooli Gardens Amusement Park
Tivooli Gardens Amusement Park

Michael Jackson once wanted to buy the park.
Annelle with friendly stranger.Annelle with friendly stranger.
Annelle with friendly stranger.

Nice candy bar Annulled.

26th July 2014

Beautiful Copenhagen
Copenhagen looks beautiful. As a gardener, I enjoyed the beautiful pictures. I'm sure Sharyn's granddaughters will find it fun that she show a statute of the little mermaid. It sounds like you have been having fun conversing with the local people. That was one large box of candy! Enjoy your last day. Thanks for the pictures and information.
27th July 2014

Great weather
Hello ? doesn't good weather add to the enjoyment of a holiday. You are always lucky like that. Love your photos and all of your adventures. Hope you enjoy your last day. We are sat on the couch with E & E watching the Commonwealth games after eating pancakes for breakfast. Australia is doing well ? enjoy your last day. Sending you a hug xo

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