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August 28th 2006
Published: August 28th 2006
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hello from rainy Brisbane!
Thought it was time for a quick email update!
I think last time I wrote was before the Ekka. Sooooooooo...since then worked at the Ekka in the dagwood dog van (or pluto pups for some!) which was hard work but I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. Was quite happy to be doing some thing to be honest! Better than sitting round complaining about money and not getting any jobs! the only problem with the job was the sh*t organisation. I ended up working a few 13 hours shifts and as it was a set wage I knew that i wouldn't be getting any extra money. We kept getting promised that we would be getting a half day later in the week but it never came and by the last but one day I was thoroughly annoyed and was not going to work the last day because of the number of hours I had all ready done. They offered me an extra days pay on the promise I wouldn't tell any one which was not exactly fair on the other guys who had done the same, if not more hours than me! But anyway, I worked and got my money and thats that! Won't do it again but at least it took me of the poverty line!
Then I seemed to have a change in fortunes and got offered two jobs through the agency at the same time! The one I wanted was in Brisbane centre - both call centre type work but just when thought I would be sorted and had a job for today (Monday) both positions fell through and I was back to square one! Went in to a mini hung over depression in my bed (had found all this out while still in bed on a hang over) and had decided that I had had enough of Brisbane and was off to find more farm work when the agency rang me back again and offered me another job which I started today! so YEY! Its better than either of the ones I thought I had as slightly more money and its for nine weeks so I should be able to save some money! so YEY again! I am working in a place called Milton (for any one that knows Brisbane) and its only a few train stops away and I was work for Citystreet who are an agenct for SunSuper which is a super annuation fund (kind of like a pension fund in UK) and I am doing customer service role with 7 - 10 days training. 12 of us started today which is always better than starting on your own and its quite interesting so should be able to last the nine weeks and then I will defo have to head for the country as I need to do my other six weeks before the end of Jan.
Roisin and Katie have also been doing some temp work after both working at the Ekka too in slighly better jobs than me. Katie was working for the Australian mint coin people and was getting a small fortune ($18 and hr, double of weekends and double and half on sundays!) and Roisin was working next to Conor (dart footie game) selling cowboys hat.
Joined a gym with stupid membership fees (cant say no to sales people!) so got to go and make sure I get my moneys worth! Got an app with a personal trainer tomorrow (cheap as part of package) so they are going to set me some kind of program so can work on toning up before the summer really sets in here. The weather has been getting better and better in Queensland apart from last night when the sky opened and flooded the pub down stairs!
What else....we went to watch a football (aussie rules) on Sun, two Western Australian teams were playing. Went bowling last week which was fun and all my skills came flooding back (he he!) and I won! It was a bargain price of $7 a game and free popcorn. V suprised we didn't get slung out though as some of the males we were bowling with (not mentioning any names Marc Ball) decided to celebrate a good shot with some naked antics and a few balls were thrown down after we had officially finished playing!
Can't believe I have been away 9 months exactly nearly - time has flown!
Well thats all for now - hope every one is well,
Love and kisses
Karen the worker!


29th August 2006

hey karen its nice to hear ur stories as a little pick me up! i heard the voicemail messages for me when u were all at a house party getting very drunkard, vvery funny!!
30th August 2006

there is no alcohol here!
CLARE! There was no alcohol involved! honest! Karen xx

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