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June 29th 2014
Published: June 29th 2014
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Hi travel followers.

Time for the latest update on our retirement adventures. For the last 4 days we have set up camp at the Yulara Desert Resort campgrounds and been touring the area trying to take in everything we can including Uluru (Ayres Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olga's).

First up while the weather was good we decided to climb the rock to the top. What views are to be had from up there and I must say it was one fantastic experience. Lyn also made it with lots of encouragement and coaching. That afternoon we took a 3hr sunset camel ride/tour through the desert which took in the rock and sunset over the desert. Again another fantastic experience that will stay with us forever.

Day two and we headed towards Kata Tjuta (the Olga's) and another walk which took in a loop trail (classified as "difficult") via the Valley of the Winds within the Olga's themselves. All up it was around 8kms over some really rough and rocky trails and creek beds and we nearly got blown away, both physically and visually in the valley.

Today, after thawing out from the overnight -1C temperature we headed out early to do the rock "base walk" which circumnavigates the rock itself, but we added to that walk by doing all the side cultural walks to the various nooks and crannies the rock has to offer. All up, another approx. 15kms including the cultural centre. You should have seen our joggers on our return to camp. Deep red and totally coated in red desert dust, but that is the price one pays for the unbelievable experiences and views the walk had to offer. WOW!!!

I must say at this point, we are definitely ticking off quite a few items on our "bucket lists" at the moment and we are certainly happy we decided to retire early and do this trip while we are still fit and can still do all the walks and activities available.

Hope you enjoy the photos as I had a great deal of trouble culling them down to just the ones on this blog.

Additional photos below
Photos: 37, Displayed: 23


29th June 2014

Wonderful photos!!!
the colours in the 'Rock' and in the Olgas are just beautiful. Yes, we all need to do these things while we have good legs!!!

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