mission beach/SKYDIVING

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August 19th 2006
Published: August 19th 2006
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well im only really saying something short now because iv paid 4 an hours internet cos it was worth the money but cant think of anything else 2 do for last 10mins ..and leave 2mo morn.....but seeing as u can pay for just 10 mins im getting my moneys worth by filling in one of these! not much 2 report from mission beach APART FROM I JUMPED 14,000 FOOT OUT OF A PEREFECTLY GOOD PLANE AND LANDED ON MISSION BEACH ITSELF...oh my god...was the most insane thing ever-was so incredably awsome--was so jelous of the guy who was strapped to my back that did on average of 8 a day...(that totals to over 6,000)-i felt safe--ish!!!!.....i cant describe it..iss just incredable- however, once moving closer to open plane door 14,000 ft up..ok that scary but when ur thrown out anyway you cant help but have the best time of ur life...i got a video aswell---so if u guys arnt totally bored by all my travel talk ill show u it!!its sweet- theve done a really good job-- theve put awsome music to it and on the parachute down they play coldplay--arr i wana watch it again-- i wana jump again--so expensive tho-- $450!!!!!!!!! however, i knew this so have saved over last few weeks for it, also couldnt internet bank so was kinda guessing on how much money i had---finally was able to get on 2day n found out the saving payed off n i have 200 quid more then i thort i did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dunno how thats happened but very very happy bout that!!!!!!!!


19th August 2006

Thanks 4 text sweetheart- I actually cant believe u did a sky dive, I never thought the family had anyone with any guts let alone do a skydive. What made me chuckle was imagine alex doing a sky dive- v.v.vfunny. Going to the beach hut on monday as alex is having a birthday bash so that should be good will do a shout out 4 u my darling. Really chuffed with my grades. abbb so that was good and a huge relief. Anyway is really hectic here at the moment what with the party and everything, so your not missing much. lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
20th August 2006

Sky Diving
Well, I hardly dare open your Blogs! You go from one amazing adventure to the next! I must admit that as a boring old grannie, I shall be very relieved when you are safely back in this country. We are looking forward to seeing you at Johnathan's party in two weeks time. Lots of Love, Grannie
21st August 2006

Tef tef you're amazing. The jump must have been out of this world.Am very jealous of your nerve cos heights are my achilles heel just not sure I could do it and worried that I'd be the hysterical blond refusing to jump at the last minute. mmmmmm maybe when I'm older!!!! Had fabbo eve at Hart hill last night. Had rum and cokes up the hill with all the doggies and then wonderful lamb dinner with everyone. Raised a toast to you......again !!!!!!!You better get back soon we're getting arm ache. Alex looks amazing lost weight and looks manly but then he was telling us all his adventures and it was the old Alex again!!Can't wait to see you my darling. Massive hugs and kisses Nikki. PS Really embarrased Alex...... went to collect him at Sandy balls. Mum dropped me off and A was standing by shop door not letting customers in and he saw me approaching before I saw him and he turned to his mate and saild Oh dear this is giong to be embarrasing and then I saw him, screamed and ran into his arms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25th August 2006

amazing! i was bored and thought id check your travels and oh my this one has already made me completly jealous as only yesturday i was thinking i wanted to jump from a plane. no lie. mental i wish i had an exciting adventure this summer but im thinking after 3 years it may be worth me finally to do it. its been a priority too long now. glad its all wicked! let me know when you back in town love you xxxx

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