Puerto's the Place

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February 23rd 2014
Published: February 26th 2014
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Saturday, Feb. 22

It was a lazy day with beach walks, meeting more Canadians, and enjoying a hopping Saturday night at Adoquin, an area of Puerto very close to Playa Marinero, filled with shops, cafes, musicians, and street food vendors. We had drinks with more of Roger's friends (he seems to know just about everyone in this town) at a bar on Playa Marinero, then ate street food (tacos, tamales, and a flowery nasturtium drink) for dinner. We had another beautiful walk home along the beach if you don't count the nasty dive I took after tripping over some knob thing sticking up in the sidewalk. Luckily, I fell sideways first into a tin corrugated door (loud noise) and that broke my fall some what. No major damage. I know that in Mexico one must always watch one's step and I sure thought I was doing just that. Not sure how I missed seeing that hazard.

Sunday, Feb. 23

As Joe and Roger say, "Today we were too busy doing nothing to get anything done."

I honestly can't remember what all we did this day but do remember eating tacos at some little cafe on Playa Zicatela. We spent the morning sitting on Zicatela Beach talking to people and watching the surf.

Almost forgot, we felt an earthquake last night about 10. The bed shook a bit, but we didn't think much of it. While visiting with others today we found out that lots of people ran out of their houses when they felt it.

Monday, Feb. 24

Joe was up early and went with Roger to swim at Playa Carrizalillo then made the long walk home so he'd had plenty of exercise before I even got out of bed. We ate brunch at Cafecito. Today was a Horseshoe Tournament at the Split Coconut and Joe and Roger were a team. They didn't win but stayed in far longer than I thought they would. Everyone I met is here for three months or longer and come every year and seem to feel sorry for us that we are here for only a month. A couple we met from Idaho are closely related to people we know from Utah and we had another mutual friend. As always, it's a small world. The guys went out to eat dinner, I was content to have an evening alone.

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Nasturtium drinkNasturtium drink
Nasturtium drink

Gay shared this sweet but tasty drink with us.
Pacific Snake EelPacific Snake Eel
Pacific Snake Eel

Joe saw this on his walk to the point about two miles south of our house.

Joe thinks he won 100 pesos with this ticket, just needs to remember where he bought it.
Split CoconutSplit Coconut
Split Coconut

Teams prepping for the horseshoe tournament.

26th February 2014

Still having fun I see
So sorry about your fall, Judy! Looks like fun times for all, though... very relaxing with all that beach action. Love the pix, as always.
26th February 2014

A Pity you get to stay 'only' 1 month
We can't find it our hearts to feel sorry for you, much as we love you, Donna and Rick
26th February 2014

No pity
Yes, it's an interesting crowd here. Joe and I think that this is a place where people can "winter" very cheaply. The ones that come here year after year have built a fun social network, I can see why they like it here so much.
26th February 2014

Mark and I have friends that spend October thru January in the Baja. They are trying to get us to do that with them, but I have a bit of fear (reading too many scary articles on Mexico). After reading your blogs and looking at your pix, I might be ready to take it on. I don't want to do it in the trailer, though, and that is what they do. What do you think of that? Continue to have fun, and beware of hazards in the street. We were walking to the hospital to visit a friend yesterday and I walked right into a street sign post because I was busy looking at a house while walking!! Who put that post there?!
26th February 2014

Being safe in Mexico
I think one never knows for sure how safe a place is. In the USA one can get shot sitting in a movie theater. Before we came here I looked up the state dept.'s warnings regarding the state of Oaxaca and there were none. I think it's like most places, just try to use common sense. A few years ago we drove to a beach near Mullige on Baja and camped with four other couples for 8 nights and immediately after that we drove our car all the way to Guatemala. We stayed on the toll roads And didn't drive at night. We were lucky, no problems. I think if you're worried at all you shouldn't do it.

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