Apologies........ I'm such a daft bat!

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November 24th 2013
Published: November 24th 2013
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I'm such a techno dumbo ....... I didn't think anyone was looking at my blog as no one had left any comments so, I was feeling a tad 'unloved'!!!

Then last night I found another 'button' to press and whoosh, there they were, lots and lots of fabulous messages from loads of wonderful friends and they are from when I started out to right up to today :-)

My apologies to all for not responding or acknowledging before now and ....... THANK YOU. They were all terrific to read. Did my heart good. Please, do keep them coming!


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24th November 2013

Loving your blogs xxx
24th November 2013

My dear Pam. Its great to get such enthusiastic news. Been thinking of you loads and seems the adventure is off to a fabulous start. I pass your house regularly and its still standing so guess all is well!!! Whatever you have been drinking in your pic needs to be banned!!! Sending all love - will be in touch again very soon. Jan XXX
25th November 2013

And the OSCAR goes to......
You derserve an OSCAR for the expression in the photograph !! By the way love that ring on your index finger ;-)
25th November 2013

From [sunny suffolk, ha ha]
Hi Pam, I'm glad you eventually found out that we hadn't forgotten you. I have enjoyed looking at all your photo's.I have never been to that part of America. Arizona looks amazing and well worth a visit. Keep putting more pictures on your blog, and enjoying the sunshine you lucky thing. Clive.
25th November 2013

We're loving reading your blogs and keeping up with you and getting a taste of America. Can't keep up with you. We're just trying to keep warm amidst the plumbing and heating work that we've just had done - now trying to sort ourselves out again - painting etc etc. Loads of love D & A x
26th November 2013

U seem to start of a new series of Around the world with Ms.Bean... :)

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