What happens in Canada, stays in Canada

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August 7th 2006
Published: August 7th 2006
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Ohhh my goodness. I kinda feel like that is how most of my entries are going to start. Spent the WHOLE day recovering from last night. I did things & saw things that......oh I can't even say!!!

I wondered around the house avoiding Steven laughing at me most of the day, then I progressed to the couch....they have 52 channels here, it's ace!!! Had a shower at about 3pm, then Steve went back to bed & it was my turn to laugh at him. Just had hamburgers on the BBQ for dinner and we are going to veg out infront of the tube & watch a movie.

I met heaps and heaps and heaps of people last night, we started at about 8:30 and got home at 7am. They all just wanted me to talk all the time which I was more than happy to do as you would all have guessed. I have about 60 phone numbers and I have no idea who they belong to. I met a few of Steves friends & yup, they are just as crazy as him but now they are all my new big brothers & boy are they big and HOT HOT HOT!!! They looked after me, it was all good.

I hear that it was freezing there this morning......SUFFER!!!!!!!!! We are going to the beach tomorrow, just had to rub it in.

Thanks for all the comments people have been adding, it is great to hear about home. Not sure who annonymous is though checking out my blog in their office job????

Take Care
Love you all
Ciao for Now
Love Kel

P.S I WILL try to figure out these bloody photo's xx


7th August 2006

Hey Kel. Sounds like you are having far too much fun. Not a lot has been happening for me unless you call becoming an auntie again something to get excited about. Julie had a beautiful baby girl on Sunday just after 4. Yes she came early. Perhaps she wanted to come to the baby shower which we had to cancel. They are all well. Keep having a great time and I'll show off my neice when you get back. Miss you. Mandy
7th August 2006

Well thought i'd better drop you a line charlotte is still not crawling, she is sooooo lazy, all she wants to do is stand. I have been printing out your blogs (its still funny to say) and giving them to deb, seems she has no computer and crappy abc won't let her access your blog site. Not much is happening we are trying to organise our holiday next year only 8 months to go. Yea!!!! gotta go charlotte is dribbling on the keyboard trying to chew my knuckles. xxx
8th August 2006

Hi scroffa, it's me...HELLO!!!!..oooohh look at u going out until 7am in the morning.....U ROCK.....oh kelly u sound like you are having so much fun there. Keep up the energy and dont wear yourself out too much.....say hi to the hot guys for me....
9th August 2006

G'day kel, you go party girl!!! Does the southern taste any different on the other side of the world?? Or sould i answer that myself and say southern is southern in any shape or form!!! it is fantastic to hear that u are having a blast can't wait to see some photos. Our extention is nearly finished just the concrete to go(yeah). Olivia is being her usual "dennis the menice"into everything, this is my 4th attempt at typing this as Olivia would always press a button just as i finished and delete the message (she is sleeping now) she jammed her finger in the wardrobe door the other day and got a blood blister on her finger, always in the wars!!! Brad and I are well, keep the bloggs coming as i love reading them and it is wonderful to hear from you, take care and keep on drinking love KBO

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