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August 5th 2006
Published: August 6th 2006
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It's funny, it does feel like home. We took the shorter trip home today which was only a 5 hour drive. We didn't make it to Whistler, we'll go another day. It is a beautiful 27 degrees today & it is just perfect. Steve has been keeping me entertained with his singing (the 4th member of the Bee Gees) but it's staight how as soon as I start to sing the radio goes on & the kids go to sleep....mmmmm. Crossing the Pacific did nothing to improve my singing talents.

I am loving spending time with his kids they are happy to believe any B.S that I come out with. I told them I would make them Wombat Stew for dinner, they were not too keen. Yesterday we went to a gorgeous Golf Course for lunch & they had the golf carts. I told Liam that at home we all own one & we chase kangaroos with them, when we catch them we tie them up in our backyards as pets. Ohhhh, you gotta love kids.

I just made lunch & Ceayrra (spelling Chris) had a vegiemite roll. I have converted them....hehehe. Liam told me I spoke English like a Canada person so maybe I am picking the accent up a little. It's not too hard. Guys, I could so live over here. I love it, love it, love it. As we were coming home today I was watching the millions of mountains we were passing & I was a little overcome, it brought a little tear to my eye. I had to take a moment to not burst into song about being in Canada. I am hanging to hear news from home. Mum, it was so nice to hear yours & Joanies voice. I've had a couple sms's but not many. Everytime I feel like talking to someone it's like 2am there, oh well. I'm not homesick in the slightest. I do get a little, tiny wave of nervousness when I think of everything still to come but I have to stop myself cause I do not want to rush this time I have with Steve & his family.

Ok, Carol (Steve's mum) is taking me shopping now, YIPPEE, I can't wait , I am having withdrawals. None of us can figure out how to download my photo's so I will go to the store tomorrow with Steven to put them onto a disk then you will have about 100 to look at, I think that's not too bad for me.

I am back from the mall & have had a shower ready to go to the Golf Course for a beer or 4 before dinner. I am a little sunburnt & Ceayrra said but you're from Australia. Hahahaha, I said it's winter there though so not many people are bronzed at the moment, unless it's fake, then I really scared her & put my shorts on with a white top & if the shorts wheren't denim you wouldn't be able to tell where the shirt ends & my legs start....hahahaha. I spoke with mum about 2 hours ago, Lyndall she tells me some great news about work. I'd love for you to ring me or send me a message here about what's going on. I hope they are getting their butts kicked. For some reason I can't get my emails, they are not downloading so if you want you can talk to me through here.

FYI: At the mall (which is almost identical to ours) I bought a stuffed Moose, some mousse (not to get the 2 confused) and a C.D for Steve's collection. I had to sit through 5 hours of Green Day (not too bad), Black Sabbath, Tom Petty & The Eagles......GOD HELP ME!!!! So yep, whether he likes it or not he now has...............Bon Jovi's Greatest

Ok, that's it for now, my 22 dollar bottle of sothern is calling then off for some brewskies!!!!! GOD I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! Now I just have to actually find

Love to all
Ciao for now
Love Kel


6th August 2006

Boring Ferntree Gully
Hey there, Just read your last blog. It sounds so fantastic. I am not the slightest bit jealous of you , I just wish I was with you......It was great talking to you and Steve this arvo. I'd forgotten what Steves accent was like but when I heard it, it brought back some great memories and when he was here and all the fun we had and all the drinking we did. I know you want news from home, but to be quite honest, nothings happening and its all a little bit boring, especially compared to your stories. What can I think of um,,,,,, I got a new desk at work, I'm a bit hung over as we had Waynes farewell drinks last night, put out the hard rubbish today, just about to lie on the couch and watch a dvd......see boring........not doing anything like drinking at golf clubs, bear hunting, drinking, shopping, drinking, or driving for hours listening to Greenday, Black Sabbath and what everelse you had to see beautiful mountains and streams, oh and drinking. Anyway, best go back to my boring life and finish off the housework before I lie on the couch.......Look forward to the next entry... Love Chris
6th August 2006

PS Your passports in your bumbag........Love me
6th August 2006

Yeah hi there sexy lady. MMMMM, not sure i am liking this whole travel blog thing. Why? Well, i thought you would never ask. I come into my fabulous office job, and open my emails, and get ur freakin' blog on how u did this in Canadia and how and did that.blah blah i sound bitter? he he he. dont be scared little lady of what is to come on your trip. It's gonna be great. keep safe. signing off now to start work. kissess.

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