Kamloops & the 108 mile

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August 5th 2006
Published: August 5th 2006
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How's everyone doing???

I am great, jetlag is a funny think huh!!! I feel so tired but I can't have a proper sleep. I go to bed at a fairly nomral time, wake at 4am then cannot get back to sleep til 7:30ish. Sleep then through to 10:30 then get jacked off with myself for wasting half the day, but guess what...... WHO CARES!!!!!! I'm in Canada. Yesterday we travelled up the Fraser Canyon to Kamloops where Liam had a BMX race, which by the way he won so now we have to call him Rocket Robinson.....lol (Their surname). The weather there was about 30 degrees, real hot, no breeze so pretty warm, felt good though, not like our 30 degree days. We then drove to Leah's (Steve's sisters) which is about 2 hours north of Kamloops to 108 Mile Ranch, which they just call the 108. It is BEAUTIFUL here, exactly what we see on T.V....those big gorgeous Canadian trees & the lakes & rivers that have the most sensational coloured water. I totally expected to see a bear in the water trying to catch it's own salmon. Today we went to lunch at the local Golf Course & stupid here didn't think to take her camera so I got no shots but the memory of what it was like will always be in my mind. I have taken heaps of photos of Leah's house cause she has a forrest in the backyard. I hope a bear comes out but I doubt it since she lets her 2 year old son play out there. I needed to have a minute alone today so I went for a tiny walk down to the end of the street & took a couple of pics of the houses & stuff here but I was too scared that I would get lost so I didn't go too far. I might have to ask Steve to take me back there before we go. We are staying here one more night then off to Whistler tomorrow. It's a pretty big drive & Steve is being a pussy & not letting me drive (infact, I think I would poop myself if I did), so we are slowly gonna head back to Langley. I have not phone reception here so I will not be able to call anyone til about Sat night (I have no idea what time that is there but It's about 28 hours from now). Tina I tried to call you to say Happy Birthday. I hope you had a good one, I was thinking of you on our 4th of August.

I cannot believe my eyes when we go out to dinner or to the Liquor Store.........We had a massive lunch today, including beers & the whole thing ws only $45, that was for 4 of us, unreal, then went to the Liquor store (I love saying that) Southern.......wait for it.........$22..........can you believe it!!!!!. I so want to live here now....lol

I might go & have a snooze now cause it will be happy hour soon. I cannot post any phot's today casue I didn't bring my lead, it's still at Steve's mums place. I am sorry. When we get home I am gonna post heaps I promise. Ok, that's it for now, take care all. Mum I hear you are going home today, that will be good for you to sleep in your own bed, don't over do it though, just enough walking to get to the puter & fridge.......Chris thanks for all the bank & phone info. I only get charged a fee, not the whole call so if anyone feels like a short call I'm up for a chat (so long as you don't wake me).

I'm still having a ball & not homesick yet (well.......maybe just a smidge but that is only cause I want to share all of this with all of you). I love you all & I will send photos.

Ciao for now
Love Kel

P.S Kisses to all the babies, I miss them all so much. Playing with Steve's kids is great but makes me miss mine.


5th August 2006

Who is it....
HI Kel, that was me that made the oh my gosh comment. I think I keep coming us as Keki because of the 2 posts I put on when you left. How do I get it back to me again....any ideas? I just re-read your last blog on Kamloops....it sounds fantastic. I can't wait to see the pictures. I'll try and send a photo of the kids so Steve, Ceayrra (?) and Liam can see them. Does Steve have an email address, if so, can you please send it to me. Not much happening here, Mum is home ok, Aunty Ree is staying with her for the weekend and I will go back up tomorrow to visit her. I went up there today and she looks really good. Anyway, take care Love Chris (Your passports in your bumbag.......)
8th August 2006

Hey there Kel sounds like your having a blast over in Canada, pleased to hear you've stopped this no drinking business that you were on, enjoy every second you have there coz the days will fly bye so fast. Look forward to hearing lots more stories over a drink or two when you return home. Take care be happy and enjoy.
10th August 2006

Sounds like someone wont come home
Dear Kelly Princess Darling, Sounds like you are really enjoying your time away, see we told you that you would have the best time of your life, now sit back and take it all in, but dont forget us. Keep those updates coming Love Tina
13th August 2006

live it up
Hi Kel everthing sounds fantastic lunch for 4 $45 bucks bargain and southern $22 fill ur suit cases up girl. Thanks for all the up dates keep them coming. Take care the rest of your holiday. Love jbo..

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