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July 1st 2013
Published: July 2nd 2013
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Wat ArunWat ArunWat Arun

Temple of Dawn
From Sydney, I had plans to go to Kenya for a few months before heading back home to America. I had plans for a very long weekend of traveling and I was hoping that by arranging my plane tickets, I would have two day-long layovers in some very intriguing places. Once I got to the airport and set off on my journey, I realized I was allowed one bag and one bag only. I had three (including my dive gear). Thus, I ran to the post office, picked one bag to take with me, and shipped two bags home to America for small sum of just under $400. But, none the less, I was officially on my way to Kenya and nine hours, a layover in Taiwan, and three airline meals later, I found myself in Bangkok, Thailand.

Upon my arrival (about 10:00am), I had plans of exploring the city and seeing one of my newly discovered interests, Asian temples. As I wandered through the airport terminal and cleaned myself up, I noticed a large group of Asian women giggling and I was curious. I went over to check things out and I found PSY hanging out at the airport.

The backstreets of Bangkok.
Just chilling taking pictures and whatnot. So I took a quick photo and hopped in a taxi and was off to Wat Arun.

Wat Arun, or the Temple of Dawn, is a Buddhist temple that lies of the river and the first light of morning makes the temple iridescent. It really is a beautiful structure and quite a challenge to climb. It sits in a pavilion of other buildings and smaller temples that are seething with monks and tourists alike, each enjoying the calming atmosphere that the temple brings. After I spent an hour or so exploring and admiring the buildings and shrines, I decided to take to the river.

Some of you know Casey (my brother) had recently been to Thailand and told me to take a tour on the river since I had such a short amount of time. So I took his advice and went through the back waterways of Bangkok and saw a different side to the city. I found myself thinking about diving and then thought what kinds of things would be found in the river. As my mind wandered, I saw a 7-9ft (2.5-3m) lizard swimming in the water, and then I
Street MeatStreet MeatStreet Meat

mmm chicken hearts!
realized they were all over. It was kind of creepy in a way, large animals lurking in the rivers of Bangkok, I let my mind wander to better things and enjoyed the end of my ride.

I found myself across the river at a different temple, Wat Pho, or the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. I enjoyed this temple a bit more, and then I discovered why it intrigued me so much. As I was wondering and admiring the temples, I found what is considered to be the birthplace of the Thai massage. I thought I died and went in heaven, and immediately signed up for a two hour massage. And for around $20, I had the best massage of my entire life. I left relaxed and rejuvenated and was ready to head off to my next stop.

Again, as Casey instructed, I was required to try all the street food I could, and man was I glad I did. The food was fantastic and I even tried chicken hearts! They were very chewy! My favorite was by far the mango sticky rice, it was so good I had two. I wandered around looking at the markets and
Lebua Sky BarLebua Sky BarLebua Sky Bar

What a view!
admiring some of the unique things that I could find and some of the local food that the others were eating. After I was full on chicken and pork and other delectables, I headed off to my last part of my layover.

I decided to have a few drinks at a nice place that I had heard had a fantastic view of the city. It was raining when I arrived so the outdoor bar wasn't open, much to my disappointment. I met a couple about my age who were from Australia and we had some good conversations about our travels, as they were on vacation as well. After a drink, the rain had stopped and we made our way to the outdoor bar to check out the view. And a view it was! I could see the whole city, including all of the temples I had visited earlier in the day, all lit and making up the Bangkok skyline. Had another few drinks enjoying the view and finally said goodbye to my new friends.

I took a last look around and made my way back to the airport for another 9+ hour flight.

Additional photos below
Photos: 32, Displayed: 25


Lebua Sky BarLebua Sky Bar
Lebua Sky Bar

View of Bangkok skyline.
PSY and me!PSY and me!
PSY and me!

Just chillin' at the airport PSY?
Wat ArunWat Arun
Wat Arun

Temple of Dawn
Wat ArunWat Arun
Wat Arun

Temple of Dawn

Representing the energies of healing, luck, abundance and happiness eternally.
Wat ArunWat Arun
Wat Arun

Temple of Dawn
Wat ArunWat Arun
Wat Arun

Me at the top of the temple.
Wat ArunWat Arun
Wat Arun

Temple of Dawn
Wat ArunWat Arun
Wat Arun

The super steep stairway!
Thai MarketsThai Markets
Thai Markets

Complete with mango sticky rice!
Wat PhoWat Pho
Wat Pho

Birthplace of the Thai Massage!

3rd July 2013

Luky you!!!
I can't believe what a wonderful experience you are having!! Be careful & keep safe!!! Want you to come home safe. Love you bunches!!

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