Day One & yep, you guessed it, Hung Over!!

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August 3rd 2006
Published: August 3rd 2006
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Hi all,

I am here safe and sound, well not so sound thanks to Dirty Steve taking me out drinking to all hours, hence the hangover. I even sang Karoke!! An absolute kak as I was in like a Country & Westen bar & had no idea what the hell song I was singing but the chick I was singing with, who was completely outrageous & wanted me to live with her, had every faith that I would make a terrific back up singer....What a laugh. We got home around 1ish and yes this is straight after a bloody long flight and no rest, got my second wind and made Steve still & talk to me for hours. Then I really needed to sleep but still wanted to listen to his groovy accent so I made him jump into bed with me & talk until I fell alseep. I'm not sure if it was my snoring or his snoring that woke me up but Liam (Steve's 7 year old son who I want to bring home with me) was standing at the side of the bed. I was so excited thinking he was really interested in me & wanted to, the PS2 was in that room & he wanted to play scoccer with his dad. Got up, made everyone in the house (my new family, they are all sensational) eat vegemite on toast for breakfast. Steve was the only one who didn't have any (chicken shit). The kids loved it, Liam wanted 4 vegemite sandwhichs for lunch...hahaha. Had a nana nap for about 3 hours, Chris called, she is finding out with Telstra if I have to pay for people calling me coz the guy told I only pay a fee. So I will let you know if you can call me if you want to.

Brilliant flight, got an aisle exit seat so no one in front, heaps of room, sat next to a great guy Rob and we chatted a bit, only got about 3 hours sleep though coz it was right next to the galley & those people are bloody noisy. Got to LAX, was pooing myself about going through customs & immigration. NOT A PROBLEM!!! It was a breeze, got a nice man who actually smiled & told me to have a good holiday. Walked outside & thought OH MY GOD!!!! Loud, smelly & hot. I had to sit down though and catch my breath because this is truly when I realised I was doing it, really doing it. They told me to get a shuttle to Terminal 2, I asked a guy where to get the shuttle, he pointed across the road & said there's terminal 2, so I walked across. (this was for my connecting flight to Canada). Went through customs (YET AGAIN, I'm ready to staple my passport to my hand), found a bar, had a Bud Light & Fries, after eating & drining that I found a quiet lounge, spread out over 2 seats & had a snooze. Rang Mum, no one answered so I rang Chris, almost cried coz was like I'M HERE!!!!!! Sat & waited for my flight 3 hours, jumped on the plane, fell asleep I think even before we took off, they woke me 20 mins out of Vancouver to fill in my Cumstoms card coz guess what.......went through Customs again! Got all my stuff together, walked out of the airport & there they were........Steve, Ceayrra & Liam with a gorgeous sign that Ceayrra had made saying KELLY HEATH (how cute), I think I almost knocked Steve over giving him a hug. I have never been so happy to see someone (I have been here however many hours & I still keep looking at We talked talked talked all the way to his house (via the bottle shop), came home, met his mum & sister, 1 hour later we were out drinking. That's infact were he is now. I stayed here to have a shower & feel like a human again & he went for a pint. I am now gonna go sit in the sun (bout 30 degrees.....beautiful) have a G&T with his mum & sister (they came downstairs to take me shopping but I was kinda people).

GUYS.......I am loving it soooooooooooooooooo much, sometimes I have to sit sown cause I can't breath, I can see now why mum & Chris were so worried that I would not come home!!!!!

I'll write again soon, take care all, I love you & I love Canada & I'm not home sick (YET).

Caio for Now
Love Kel
P.S Photo's to come, my batteries are flat.....sorry


3rd August 2006

Hey traveller!!!!
Hey Kel, glad you are having a ball!!! Would you mind bringing home some of the heat? 12 degrees here, I'm sure you are missing THAT!!! Glad you are there safe and sound, have an awesome time and cant' wait to hear about your adventure... Love Megs and the Moyles
3rd August 2006

Beautiful Canadia...
My gosh Kel, what a first day/night, I feel out of breath just reading that entry....I was looking forward to a photo to see what you looked like after this fantatsic first day......You had better post one, or I will ring dirty Steve myself and get him to do it!!!!
5th August 2006

From Me
This is Kel.... who added the My gosh Kel comment??? It's says Keki so I have no idea who that was from. I kinda feel outta breath doin it all but in a most brilliant good way. I hope my whole 3 months is a kinda outta breath experience.

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