A picture says a thousand words

Published: March 8th 2013
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Dear All, I hope those of you who want to read this are managing to get through the travelblogs web page. Apologies if not and let us know so we can make adjustments.

The photos should hopefully say all but just to say we are now surfing in a small village called Taghazoute. Great set up with SurfMaroc and yoga and surfing is our daily grind. Stunning place and can't recommend it enough for those who want a surf/yoga holiday.

Still enjoying the holiday part of he trip and hope all is well back in blighy and others areas of he world!

Lots of love

J & D


Additional photos below
Photos: 45, Displayed: 22


8th March 2013

Loving your photos, and the humour. We are still in the South so haven\'t caught up with Mum yet. Have fun, stay safe.
8th March 2013
Heart of/or Africa

Wow. That's amazing! Loving all your photos guys and enjoying reading your blog. Big hugs xxx
10th March 2013

The photos are amazing! SO jealous, and so glad you are keeping us all updated. Forgot your Africa e-mail address so wrote a really long e-mail to you which I shall have to send later when I remember what it is again! Lots of love, so glad you are continuing your spirit of adventure!! XXX
11th March 2013

Your photos are stunning.... Keep them coming and keep having fun!
11th March 2013

Head gear
Great head gear mate!
11th March 2013

Great phots
Fantastic to see the phots. Spot is an odd name for a donkey - isn\'t it more suitable for a dog? Perhaps they do things differently in Morocco....... Keep them coming OK? Rob
12th March 2013

Happy Birthday David - hope you have had a good day! The photos look great - glad to hear that you are having a good time. Love from Alan, Sam, and Joey.
13th March 2013

Hey, sounds like you are having a fab time! Jo can you email me so I have you email address please! It was always said to me over a glass of wine with no pen and paper and although returning to a similar state is supposed to help in remembering, I have tried many times and its just not working! Thanks xx
17th March 2013

Looks amazing!
We are still holidaying in NZ. We left Nelson after one month, such a fabulous place for adventure. Lots of hiking in the outback which I just love.. Alan's knee continues to work well.We are now in the Mt Cook National park ready to explore the Ahuriri Valley which is reputed to be the most scenic accessible part of NZ. This was recommended by a fellow tramper we met up with in The Nelson Lakes. Tomorrow will decide if we agree with her recommendation. Next we go onto Queenstown to do some cycling trails with some old adventurous friends of mine!! If only we were as young as our spirit expects!! We plan to stay with Annie a couple of nights just before the Easter weekend and then we go up to the Bay of Islands for 12 nights. All very exciting... we have had the most superb holiday with the perfect weather. Love your blog and we send you both lots of love. Polly and Alan

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