Messy Times

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July 23rd 2006
Published: July 23rd 2006
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Victor, Adam and DanVictor, Adam and DanVictor, Adam and Dan

These are the boyz, we have some fun times!
Hay yo, so my life is going well, I'm loving Sydney so much it will be hard to leave. My boss keeps telling me how well I'm doing and I have a real good group of mates who all look out for me, great guys shame there Australian, just kidding! Went out on Friday and again didn't get in till 9am Saturday! The Friday before I didn't get in until 10pm Saturday, 25 hours of partying. Not too good for my health but some wicked times. I'm in love with Kings Cross, it's just ultimate sleaze and it's great. It's the most densely populated place in Australia and is home to some of the best strippers and lap dancers, it's just golden. Starting to miss home a little though, well just the people like my friends and family!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Alison and KimAlison and Kim
Alison and Kim

Pants! Ah we mock Alison because of her strong aussie accent and the way she says pants, we mock Kim cos she is a kiwi and always says cool banana's!
Andy, Joel, Graham and MeAndy, Joel, Graham and Me
Andy, Joel, Graham and Me

This was a messy night on Grahams Birthday!
The CoupleThe Couple
The Couple

This is Graham and Alison, they are a real great couple.
Ha ha!Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Dan got wasted and agreed to have a star shaved into the back of his head.

1st August 2006

Where are the photo's?
Hi Ash, I can only see one photo on this site - where are all the others?! I particularly would like to see the photographic evidence of you wrestling a tiger!!!!! It all sounds very cool! Shelly
2nd August 2006

hey baby
only one photo on there babe need to add more i want to see your call tattoo - missing you loads
8th August 2006

I see you are keeping it real as always!!
Hey mate, Just been looking at your pics, I can see you are having a great time!! I love the emails you have been sending - very funny!! I will look at your blogs on a regular basis. Take care mate.

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