Day 1 1/2 - Barcelona & La Rambla

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Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » La Rambla
August 18th 2012
Published: August 18th 2012
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View from the HotelView from the HotelView from the Hotel

This is the view from the hotel at about 9:30pm. The sun was just setting. There are no balcony but huge windows.
Here are some pictures of our view from the hotel. I wanted to test the picture uploads to make sure everything works alright. This blog isn't the most intuitive so I apologize that I don't know how to make it a little more appealing. I'll see what I can do.

We are about a block away from Las Ramblas, which is Barcelona's tourist hot spot. It is the most central part of the city and has a number of shops, restaurants and attractions. We took a short walk around earlier today but we were all so tired we didn't make far. For lunch we stopped at the Hard Rock Cafe. I know we have one in Ottawa but everything else seemed a little too overwhelming. We didn't want another starbucks experience. It must be famous here because it is highlighted in big letters on the map and tourist were taking pictures inside the building. I left my purse on the chair and got a lecture from one of the waiters about the thieft here. I won't make that mistake again!

Not the most exciting day but at least we got caught up on our sleep. The wedding was today
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The sign says La Triangle. I'm not sure what that is yet but I'll find out.
and I'm excited to see all of the pictures. I hope everyone had a good time.

Tomorrow will be more exciting I promise!

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18th August 2012

Please do watch for thieves
Hello, I just saw your blog in the newest blog section and wanted to say that yes, Barcelona is full of sneaky thieves. You don't need to post this comment, but please take it as another warning. I had my ATM card stolen while I was using the machine right off the Plaza Catalunya. It is in my blog. [blog=591344] Have a great trip and please take this in the spirit it is meant; a helpful hint from someone ripped off there.
19th August 2012

Can't wait to see more!! Glad the flight went well and you got some sleep. Try and take some pictures of what's in fashion also. xo
21st August 2012

Tatoo? xo

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