Camping out for Wimbledon!!

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July 1st 2006
Published: July 15th 2006
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Watching a match at Wimbledon is a once in a life time opportunity, and hence it's very hard to come by tickets. Extreme cases call for extreme measures - we lined up for 16hrs!

Friday 30th June 2006
Brooke, Aaron, Amy, Megan and us promptly left work on Friday afternoon equipped with tents, sleeping bags, mats, picnics, eskies and an overnight bag. We found our way to the end of the que at around 6:30pm and set up camp on a pleasent grassy patch. We were issued que cards which showed we were number 350 in the line. It was a highly orgainised event, with officials and marshals patrolling all night and we were also given a book of queing rules!!! Only the POMS!!
We celebrated Rach's birthday with a party in the line....we feasted on cake, Pimms, beer and cider, then retired to our tents.

Saturday 1st July
We were awoken at 5.30am and told to pack up and prepare to move. The line snaked for a few hours till we finally got into Wimbledon and our Court 2 tickets (second row from the front) at 10:30.

The first game was between 2 Russian women - Elena Dementieva (RUS) defeated Elena Likhovtseva.

The second match was definitely the highlight where we watched Lleyton Hewitt (AUS) defeat Olivier Rochus (BEL). After every point Lleyton would glance our way, we thought he may be gazing at the 4 beautiful women in the second row (Brooke, Amy, Megan and Rach) but we soon discovered we were sitting right in front of Bec Cartwright - his wife. While Lleyton and Olivier were changing ends the Aussie dominated crowd started singing the Home and Away theme song, which roused a smile from her!

In the third and firey match we saw in Jelena Jankovic (SCG) defeat Venus Williams (USA) who was the defending champ. You could almost see the claws come out in this bitchy encounter. We wouldn't recommend messing with Venus....she is one BIG girl!

All tennissed out we headed home at 7:30pm for some much needed rest before heading up to the Moto GP the next day.....See our other blog for these pics. All in all it was a fantastic day, definitely worth camping out for!

PS. During the day we also spotted Rolf Harris amongst the crowd!! Ha ha.

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Megan, Brooke, Aaron, Justin, Amy and RachMegan, Brooke, Aaron, Justin, Amy and Rach
Megan, Brooke, Aaron, Justin, Amy and Rach

Settling in for our night of camping
Congratulating each other...Congratulating each other...
Congratulating each other...

Lleyton won in straight sets

15th July 2006

Hey Guys!!! Niice one with the tickets!!! Looks like it would have been great! Hope you enjoyed your birthday Rach! I'm glad it's not too cold over there with the long wait in line, and we thought the lines at woolies were bad!hehehe
15th July 2006

Nice One Guys
Good stuff Rach and JK! Trust you to saddle up beside bec. Some great shots there!!!!!! Happy Birthday too rach!
16th July 2006

Hey Guys, that looks AWESOME!! love your updates... keeping us all entertained and oh so very jealous!! hehehe Love ya mel B xoxox
17th July 2006

Playing paparazzi at Wimbledon
You could sell that photo of Bec to some trashy womens magazine and maybe make a possible fortune ... you and the thousand others that probably got shots of her!

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