Seeing the QB aka Tianna

Published: June 26th 2006
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Now this marks the first time I've seen her in over a year. So I was very excited. She was at the Lord's Boot Camp training to do missionary work in Sicily, Italy. Yes, in Europe. Exciting eh? I took many pictures and after she stole my camera, so did she. :-D Her teammates were really amazing and there were many beautiful boys that I felt badly for checking out because it was indeed Christian. Okay, I didn't feel that badly. But it was really fun. I got to see what she'd done and who she'd been with. Apparently she is very popular 'cause everyone kept calling her name! She'd told people about me and was apparently uber disappointed when I didn't 'show' on Saturday. Isn't she super cute? :-D And she says she has no heart. It's miniscule but its there! J/k.

Anyway, I was there when she packed and pretended to be useful by handing her bags and such. Then we went to her meeting grounds where I proceeded to get eaten up by mosquitoes. Now I understand how all of their arms were dotted with bugbites and scabs! They'd had to live in tents, wash in pales and run around in nature. I can't say it didn't look fun though. I adore camping type stuff. We had dinner and I didn't have a ticket but a man had an extra and gave it to me! What a nice guy! I felt badly because I didn't finish my food and they got SB's for not doing so. But hey, I'm allowed to 'cause I'm a guest. But I know better for next time.

I felt the absence of my phone which I had to leave in the car and I know that she did after two weeks and then another few weeks while she's in Sicily. Actually, she's not left yet. She's still at the Orlando airport where they got to take real showers! *gasp* And she got to call her family which has to be nice after two weeks. It should've been them visiting and not me. But it was nice to be able to torture her with hugs and such. Anyway, we hung in their meeting grounds and made up a cheer to the song 'A Whole New World' 'cause apparently they need one for every meeting type thing. Then we went to where the commissioning would be and Tianna showed me the OC (obstacle course...NOT the show people. GOSH.) It was really neat to spend time with her and made me definitely want to see her more than I do. Anyway, then the commissioning started and it was really fun. Lots of activities, speeches, songs, explanations of what was going on and finally, the candlelight ceremony. This is where they say they're truly dedicated to going. And where I had to say goodbye! 😞 So sad. But happy. She's finally getting to Italy. It'll be great. Something she really believes in and somewhere she always wanted to go. Anyway, we said our goodbyes and she marched out to the bus with her newfound amigos and a long but special three weeks in Sicily ahead of her.

I have her address so I can write to her. I'm sending the pictures I took to her family and giving out messages to people. I'm also washing her tinkerbell shirt. I didn't want her to have to get rid of it. Anyway, that was great and now I have my Europe trip in 8 days!

Au revoir!

Additional photos below
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The sign that meant that Tianna and her team were off to Sicily!
Tianna and her candleTianna and her candle
Tianna and her candle

The candle signifies she's ready to go!

27th June 2006

Hey! I didn't know that she was doing missionary work! tell her I said thats wicked cool! Love ya chickie, continuing having a blast there! miss talking to you
5th July 2006

i can't believe i put that as my name. shoot me now
that guy is really hot. rawr. *giggle* you're in europe now. and you called while i was asleep. you evil butthead you.update soon! i want to hear all about you long and boring airplane ride. do i sound thrilled? hehehe.

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