Adventure before Dementia India 2012

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March 10th 2012
Published: March 10th 2012
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09.00 Hours Friday 09 March

After the madness of yesterday it's a late breakfast and see what we can do about getting to Udiapur.
I always knew that this leg had to be done by bus as there is no train south to Udiapur.

I speak to boss in the Durag Niwas and he tells that there is a bus at 14.00 hours and he will look into it.

He returns to tell me they are all full , everyone returning home after Holi.

He will call and see if there are any cancellations. i sit and wait and drink chai.

He comes back at 13.20 and says he got me a sleeper (during the day?) but who cares we are on the bus.

Off I go after saying goodbye to my fellow Holi revellers.

I get to the "bus station" with 15 minutes to spare. It's like an oven inside and I am up over the seats front left behind some smoked glass

I put my bags up and settle in the chair below. Off we go, at the next stop a man tells me through sign langauge that I am in his seat
so up I go into the lizard tank.

I slide open the window all the way back and that cools the place off a bit.

The bus fills up as we go along and I take a bit of video of bus overtaking.

We stop at 5.45 for a break and the toilet calls. Then I have some chai and a pakora that the man pokes a hole in and fills it with chilli sauce It's good but
I eat it again and again for the next couple of hours.

i notice that a good few of the passengers have large bags of crisps. Not for me too much salt, and thrist and the toilet follow that and we are not stopping again

After we leave the stop the bus climbs through a pass and struggles at even bad bend.

I now find out why the crisps. As the bus slows at every bend packs of monkeys chase the bus. The monkey is much revered in Hindi mithology. As it was Hanuman the king of the monkeys who with the monkey army helped rescue Sita from
the island of Lanka centuries ago.The crisps are poured out of the window and monkeys catch the lot.

We are now in darkness and it only serves to make the overtaking look more frightening as we climb again into the hills that surround Udiapur.

W arrive at 20.40. 6 and a half hours and not bad a journey, but how anyone sleeps on an Indian bus I do not know.

Into a rick and off to the Kesar Place Hotel for food and sleep.

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


11th March 2012

Hello mate you need to invest in a turban a bright red one like the guy in the photo. two reasons firstly save you getting sun stroke and second save you wearing the silly red headband when running.stay safe

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