A Week Of Birthday Celebrations - Day 2

January 15th 2012
Published: January 25th 2012
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St. Paul's CathedralSt. Paul's CathedralSt. Paul's Cathedral

Taken from London Bridge
After a quiet night and some good sleep, we hit the streets once again to see more sights that the city had to offer. We headed to London Bridge, We walked over it and took pictures of the Tower of London in the distance. On the north side of The Thames we followed the walking path to The Tower of London where the tourists were out in full force.

We opted not to go into the Tower of London, where they kept prisoners back in the day and clipped the wings of ravens. Instead we continued walking to the Tower Bridge and walked back over The Thames to the south bank. We stopped for a pint and some laughs before heading eastward towards the Tate Modern.

On the way, we passed the Old Globe, the theatre where Shakespeare worked out of and then we came to the Tate Modern.

After yesterday's fiasco with museums and art galleries, we decided to take another stab at culture. People had told me that if I was to do one cultural event, it should be the Tate. We all agreed to go in and frankly, it was lost on me once again. There was a bunch of crap that they call "art"... There was pieces of wood covered by a blanket... There was a pile of sunflower seeds that took up a whole room. We read a sign that said each sunflower seed was made of porcelain and hand-painted. Frankly, what a waste of time for the person who created it, let alone a waste of time for the poeple like us who looked at it.... There was even some display that looked like cow and horse droppings... I am serious.

They call it art and I call it stupid.

After that little visit, we needed alcohol, so we headed to another pub for nachos and beer. Upon entering the pub, I turned around and ran into two friends of mine, Mary and Socorro, from New York. They were in London for business and they were wandering the city as well. They joined us for drinks and then we went our separate ways. What a nice surprise! They looked and sounded great. They promised to say hi to Mark Bove, our mutual friend, who I have lost touch with.

By the way, the nachos sucked... but the beer was good.

After that, we walked back to the Tube Station and headed home for dinner.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


Tower Of LondonTower Of London
Tower Of London

Tourist Trap!

25th January 2012

Birthday Week
What a wonderful week you had. I'm glad your "50th" was with family. The pics are great. (Almost museum quality)
25th January 2012

B-day week
Glad you had a great 50th birthday week! Except for all the stupid culture getting in your way sounds like you had a blast!
25th January 2012

I think it is so wonderful of Marty and Susan to meet you in London. Seeing familiar faces can really refresh the spirit. And what are the odds of running into old friends randomly on your visit? Quite high obviously. Have fun. Don\'t waste your time on anymore gallaries. Momma used to say, \"everything ain\'t for everybody.\" Then we would leave the toy store empty handed. Say hi to Harry for me.
25th January 2012

His story from London - "Lawlivor's Twist"
We are so happy to know you are immersed in the beauty and history of London while, most importantly, flanked by your sister and brother who you love so much. That photo of you with the landmark in the background is appropriately slugged "Me - and The Tower of London" because looking at that picture, even the Tower of London is dwarfed by your presence! Luv ya' Bobbo!
25th January 2012

Happy Birthday Pal....miss you!
Thanks for the update that you're doing so AWESOME! Keep it up and keep in touch! Huge hugs xox

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