North America
November 6th 2011
Published: November 7th 2011
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Roman Baths!
The romans were known for their culture and science. One of many things that is an example of both is the roman baths. The romans had bath houses that were open to the public. They were huge. Some wealthy families had a bathroom in there houses, but they still visited the public bath houses every once in a while. 

The roman bath houses had many rooms.
The apodyterium (dressing room): Romans would take their clothes off and hand them to their slave. ---They would change into thin garments.
-The palaestra (central courtyard): Romans could exercise, play ball, lift weights, run, or even just play dice games with other bathers. Exercise were mostly for men, except competitive women.
-The tepidarium (a warm pool): Romans would relax and chill for a couple minutes
 The caldarium (hot bath): Romans would sweat out impurities.
-After all of this the slave would massage olive oil all over the roman's bodies and scrape the dirt out with a strigil. Romans would then go back into the hot bath. 
Many romans would come here to socialize. This was a daily routine for many. However, some romans opposed the idea of a public bath house because the crime that it let happened.
For more information go to http://www.vroma.org/~bmcmanus/baths.html on 10 July 2007.


9th November 2011

Overall a good presentation. I got a lot out of it. One thing to improve is not saying um so much. Other than that, good overall.
9th November 2011

you had great information, but try not to say 'um' so much.
9th November 2011

Big brains kid!
Nice work little Einstein!
9th November 2011

I think you didi a really great job on the information you gave and you had a lot of details. I just think you should try to cut back on using "um" a lot in your presentations. Overall, good job.
9th November 2011

Ay yo Rocky! You did really good! I thought that you presented very well. Next time, however, you should look at us and not as much at Ms. Held.
9th November 2011

you did a pretty good job presenting. You had a couple of ums, and you could have used better working for some things, but you didn't seem very nervous. You looked up most of the time to explain, which is essential. Nice job.
9th November 2011

First of all, interesting topic. I think you said um too much. The information was overall well taught. Why were you laughing so much though?
9th November 2011

Hey Rocky, I liked how you talked about the baths and even described the routine one undergoes through in the baths. A few things to improve on are the amount of movement you do. You kept on opening and closing your iPad cover, which was a little distracting. Also, try to avoid saying umm. Overall, good job!
9th November 2011

Presentation critique
hey rock star! Great presentation! It really reminded me of what we learned in Latin class about the roman baths. Your presentation skills are getting better so yay! Just don't look so much at your iPad when presenting. Otherwise awesome and thanks for the lesson , - jazmin
9th November 2011

Good job!
Good job Rocky. You could tell that you had a lot of knowledge on the subject because you rarely looked at the screen. Next time I would suggest looking at the entire audience. You seemed to only look at Mrs.Held, but other than that your presentation was good.
9th November 2011

You did a good job presenting because you made the topic interesting with your excitement. The information you presented seemed accurate. However, one thing you can improve on is being less nervous by not laughing. Overall, the presentation was well.
9th November 2011

Hey Rocky! Good job presenting today. I thought your topic was really interesting. And I thought while presenting you knew what was on your RIHLA. Next time though perhaps you improve your posture. Overall I think you did a great job!
9th November 2011

RIHLA presentation Observation
Hey Rocky, I think you did well on your presentation. It was interesting on how they all went to different rooms and they all had bathed together. Though sometimes the information was a little unclear, you also repeteted the phrase " another room" to much and said ummm a lot too. Just next time try not to say ummm a lot. But other than that you did well.
9th November 2011

Rocky, Your presentation flowed really well. There were a lot of facts and you explained it in order. Next time make sure you don't look at the screen as much, and try not to use works like "um" and "like."
9th November 2011

Constructive criticism
Raquel, You did an ok job. You knew what you were talking about, but you just needed a bit more confidence with what you were saying. Also, do not look at your iPad too much. Your speech issue was not much of a problem today, so that was good! However, you did say um a few times. Besides that, there is improvement! - Sarah
9th November 2011

I think that you included a lot of good information in your Rihla about the Roman baths, and I think you did a good job explaining all of the aspects of bathing in ancient Rome
9th November 2011

great presentation! Be more specific and mention about things in your RIHLA.
9th November 2011

You have good information on Roman baths. I see that you were tying to condense the info to present. I think you should include a little bit more detail in your explanations.
9th November 2011

well first of all Rocky this Rihila #8

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