Florence Venice and Cinque Terre

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June 7th 2006
Published: June 7th 2006
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Ok left Paris and went to Venice, spent one whole day there. Wondered around, and by wondered around i mean got lost. You really dont know where your goin lol and you cant see anything as teh buildings are built really closely to one another. We found St. Marks square though, that was really cool. Fed the pigeons. Got hassled by the rose flower guys. And just wondered around and had a great day. Venice was beautiful but it is SUPER touristy and you can tell. Glad I didnt stay ther for too long, it was also super expensive! The place we stayed at was a camp ground and we had a small cabin. If I were to go to italy again, I would definitly stay there. It was beautiful!! They had a pool bar/restaurant, grocery, interenet (although very expensive). And it was just clean and nice, and they offered a bus to Venice for 3.00 but they picked you up and when you arrived and dropped you off when you were departing for free. It was really odd though seeing these HUGE cruise ships dockin at venice and then once like 3 of them left it felt like Venice was MUCH emptier. We only spent one night there and almost missed our train to Cinque Terre. But I found room on a bus and we got there in plenty of time.

We landed in La Spezia which is what they call "The Gateway to Cinque Terre" in italian Cinque Terre means "5 cities". These 5 cities are part of a national park that is to be preserved. It is right on the Italian riveara. And you can either train to each town, or hike the foot paths which can be looong and hard. (And are also on the edge of the cliffs). We went to every town but the last Monterossa hiked the first 2 trails. The second was hard it was really hot and I was sweating alot. Basically, Cinque Terre is BEAUTIFUL!!! Its georgeous! The ocean is clear and beautiful and the towns are small and beautiful. My favorite of course was Vernassa which had a small castle and is home to 500 italians. To help illustrate what these little towns are like, it reminds me of the Pueblo indians with a whole town in that crack in the side of that cliff. Thats sorta what this is like, these towns are almost falling into the ocean and are build up on top of each other.. I dont really know how else to explain it. But the towns were small and there was forest all around and we had good weather, I just wish we had about 2 more days to hike all the trails.

Oh, forgot bout this, we went out to eat there also. I got spaghetti with muscles, it was very good. Then we decided to get soemthing we didnt know what it was. It was veal, that was good, then we ordered stuffed muscles which was REALLY good! That was the first time I have gone out to eat at a restaurant here!

This morning we left at about 9 caught the bus to La Spezia, Caught the train to Pisa, and of course we saw the Tower of Pisa!! That honestly, is really the only thing to see there I think...the town is pretty dull glad I didnt stay any nights there. We were thinking about going to the top, but then we saw the price. It was 15 euros to go to the top!!! I said nooo way!! But it was nice to see it. The Eiffle tower was far more amazing! But it is nice to say been there done that. Or more appropriately, Vini Vidi Vici!

And so then we left there around 3 jumped on a train and now im in Florence! Can you believe it I only have 2 more cities and then Im in Egypt!! We JUST got here there was an interenet place across teh street from our hostel and we decided that since its been 4 days (we couldnt get net in Cinque Terre adn no way were we gonna pay the prices in Venice) we'd jump on the net. Anyhow we are REALLY tired from hiking mountains in Cinque Terre and I think we will just take it easy.

The hostel here is pretty nice, and they offer a very nice breakfast. And free net, but the computers are in almost constant use because of it. Anyhow I think we will go on search of food or a market, and let me tell you IM TIRED OF BAGUETTES AND JAM!! Or baguettes and anything else!! Blah!!! Oh we picked up some baguettes and jam for our train ride to Venice and only at the Milano train station did we realise that the jam we grabbed wasnt strawberry jam...it was prune jam!!! Eww!!

And to clarify, I'm not sure if I was clear, but we went to the Eiffle tower SEVERAL times. We went up it a little after noon, and we went back a few days later to see it at night.

Also, I ate Doner Kebabs because they were cheap, about 2 euros each and were extremely tasty and filling. And they are not drunk food, i was not drunk!! (But i know what you mean!!) They are good food for a person on a budget.

Lol anywho, I should go do something.... lol if you have any questions let me know!!! Oh and mom, did you get our package?


7th June 2006

Yup.. You suck.....
I always get so depressed when I read your updates... Wishing I was there instead of sitting at work on my lunch brake reading your blog! You better have like hundreds of pictures to show me when you get back! BTW, Where is MY PACKAGE!!! lol
8th June 2006

Hi Shawn, Sorry no package yet, we will keep our eyes open for it. Sounds like your having a great time ... the ocean sounds wonderful, have you heard if they do diving there? Is the water cold? Miss you so much!! Love, Mom
8th June 2006

Direct answer eh?
Sorry mate, wouldn't touch a doner kebab with a ten foot pole. I'm glad you're eating a semi balanced meal though if that's what you ate most of the time! (And it's good that you like them)...Have you tried any of the cheeses from franch and italy? You're tired of the baguettes, but what about all the sweets and boulangeries in France? That would be heaven for any sweet tooth!

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