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June 22nd 2011
Published: June 24th 2011
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Wow that was pretty long and intense! The flight seemed to go on forever, i watched parts of films but I just couldnt get into them as I knew at the end of the flight I would have another long one. The crew were american with the token gay attendant tanned and primped. He was very nice though.
There was so much to watch, they had tv shows, films, games, music i was literally spoilt for choice. I listened to a Belle & Sabastian album which i really liked and then watched that new Adam Sandler film with Jen Aniston. It was lame, i shouldve just watched Little Miss Sunshine, i am never dissappinted with that.
The flight was ok, got fed and watered very well and I managed to make a good dent in my book.
I suppose i better list the foodage-
Choice of chicken or beef, i chose chicken.
What i got was a nice salad with a ranch dressing, a bread roll with a tub of proper butter and the chicken was a small grilled(or meant to look grilled) chicken breast with a pasta in tomata sauce and some asparagus. For dessert it was apple pie but i left that as i wasnt hungry.
Then just before we landed we had a snackbox thing which had a pack of ready salted crisps, a little chocolate thing and a ciabatta bun with melted cheese, pesto and turkey...that was sooooo nice i could eat that everyday if im honest.
Now security to actually get into here is soooo bad! First of all you are waiting AGES then everyone looks at you and treats you like you are guilty of something! I saw a lot of flustered people and tears and a few being led away by security.
You have to essentially convince them that you are entering the country for a good reason and that you arent here to wreak havoc.
Security lady-So you arent meeting anyone?
Security lady-So you are going all the way to San Francisco alone?
Me-Yes arent i brave (nervous laugh)
So the security lady takes my finger prints electronically and a retinal scan, has a good look through my itinaray and then smiles and says "Welcome to the United States, enjoy your stay" Those words sounded so beautiful. I guess their motto is everyone is guilty until proven otherwise.
Newark airport is HUUUUUGE it makes Manchester Airport look like a shack, i mustve walked miles just to find my gate. It is soo hot here too and i can see the NY skyscrapers in the distance 😊
So i am sat waiting to board my flight to San Francisco, 6 and a half hours.....😞 The thought of it is really depressing as i just want to be at my hotel. Its not fun watching other people head off on their NY holiday when i have to get a connecting flight across America.
Quiet Lucy, think of all the lovely Californian sunshine...I hope the Californians are more at ease and relaxed. There is a real air of urgency here and everyone seems stressed and on edge.
It is tiring, i just feel like a need a nice shower and to just lay down on a nice comfy bed.
Sorry if this all seems so scatty, i havent been able to access the internet at the airports so i have just been typing this all up to copy and paste later. At this point we might not even get a blog!! No stop being so negative Lucy, i know my hotels have free wifi.
Anyway my flight to San Francisco has been delayed by like 2 and a half hours so its going to be around midnight(or after) when i get to my hotel!! I am worrying about silly stuff too like my company not meeting me and me having to make my own way to the hotel...What company would do that, really?! I know i am just tired and grumpy as i want to start my holiday not sit inside an airport!
Apparantly there was bad weather and my plane was late coming in and then they have to clean it and do other airporty checks on it. So instead of flying at 5:35pm the time has been bumped to 8pmish....I really hope there isnt an ish!
I am glued to my seat and darent move(they are all full) so its a good job i bought snacks from the VIP lounge with me. Pretzel anyone?
I made my first american purchase earlier, a bottle of water and some bubblegum...i admit i was taken aback to see the price at $4.60 i am still in £ mode and my mind thought "A fiver for gum and water??!! First the red wine and now this?" Haha hmmm its gonna take a couple of days to get used to dollars.
My shoulders ache so bad, i am practically drooling at the thought of a hot soak in the "tub"(american speak) it is almost 7pm here in Jersey and its getting pretty dark and cloudy and i just pray that there are no more delays as i think i may just pull my hair out.
Ahh I heard a nice story on the plane, the lovely (normal) lady i was sat with(from Liverpool) was flying to Newark to see her husband. I didnt get all the details but she told me that shes still in the process of getting a visa and that she has become quite accustomed to taking that flight. In my mind she had met her husband online(bit too geeky) or on holiday (much better) and they had become close and kept in touch until one day they decided to marry. I even imagined him to be some hero character like a fireman or something. (It was a long flight okay and ive got nothing but time at the moment so dont judge me and my Danielle Steele ways!) Anyway she said she has been to San Francisco a few times several yrs back(see she mightve met her husband on a holiday like that!!) and that it was amazing. She said i will like it lots and that it is so great to see the bay as you land...dont think thats gonna happen seen as though its gonna be bloody dark...though i will see a pretty night skyline so that makes up for it. The lady got really upset at security, i think they were suspiscious of her status, i felt really sorry for her.
God this has turned into some angsty rant, I actually sound like i am schizo, one min im UP the next im DOWN.
I really wish they didnt have CNN blasting out of the TV, apparantly some Al Quaeda(or however you spell it) have escaped from prison and they are fearing attacks. Also 2 planes almost collided at JFK a couple of days ago and they had to do an emergency stop...imagine an emergency stop in a Boeing 737!!!
Ahh another update....plane is ETA at 8:30ish great!? And now there is this screaming american boy who wants his sunflower seeds. Just give them to him!!!


30th June 2011

All i can say is that you must have had some serious patiences! I would have been walking a rut into the tiled floors! And yes, i a wee bit behind in reading you're updates, Amsterdam put a dent in my doing things haha, was amazing there!!
30th June 2011

All i can say is that you must have had some serious patiences! I would have been walking a rut into the tiled floors! And yes, i a wee bit behind in reading you're updates, Amsterdam put a dent in my doing things haha, was amazing there!!
30th June 2011

Not sure if the first comment made it ........ All i can say is that you must have had some serious patiences! I would have been walking a rut into the tiled floors! And yes, i a wee bit behind in reading you're updates, Amsterdam put a dent in my doing things haha, was amazing there!!

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