Goodbye Sydney

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May 26th 2006
Published: May 26th 2006
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In a few short moments, we'll be on our way to Cairns. Don't think there will be any convenient internet access there, so this may be the last update for a bit.

Yesterday was a good day...we started of the day walking the cliff walk along the ocean. We then made our way back to Sydney for a walking tour of the Rocks. After that we headed back to the hostel to rest for a (very) short while and chane before heading back out for dinner and a show at the Sydney opera house. It was quite a show. A concert with the orchestra, choir, chanting Tibetan Monks, a didgeridoo player, and some cool drum players. Parts were really were pretty aweful, but overall an interesting experience.

Alright...that's it for now. Not much time before our shuttle to the airport.

Until nextime.


26th May 2006

Coffee and Travel Blogs...perfect!
Laura! Updating myself on your travels was the perfect way to start off my Friday morning...well that and my first cup of coffee for the day. I cant wait to see pictures and hear all about the trip. Should keep us occupied for a good 10 miles, no?? :) Miss you!!
29th May 2006

10 miles...Hah!
I'm glad to help start your morning! So, I brought all my running gear with me and have not yet run!! I'm gonna be in tough shape when I get back. At least I've been getting excercise in the form of walking. I'm gonna try and run a bit in Adelaide...we'll see if I can get the motivation. See you soon!

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