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Published: May 22nd 2006
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On Saturday evening, we flew from Bocas to Panama City, a trip which takes less than an hour by plane. The arial views of the Bocas del Toro islands were great...

After we checked into our highrise (but cheap) hotel, we went out to look for a place to eat, and ended up at of the city's big malls...I guess it will help make the US less of a shock, but it was startling to be in mall culture again! The day before, we had been in a small village that has a single phone, and then a little more than 24 hours later, we are in a mall with glass elevators and stores full of unecessary things..

On Sunday, we walked along the waterfront, and then took a taxi the old part of the city. It is full of beautiful colonial buildings and has a museum dedicated to the Canal, which is excellent! In the next few days, we will visit the Canal.

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


 Bocas Town Bocas Town
Bocas Town

Local houses..with the ever present vulture..
Beach at Boca del DragoBeach at Boca del Drago
Beach at Boca del Drago

We took a local bus to the other side of the island on the day we were flying out..the road winds across Isla Colon to this hotels here.
Paradise from the AirParadise from the Air
Paradise from the Air

Some of the islands to the south of where we stayed
Paradise from the AirParadise from the Air
Paradise from the Air

One of the Zapatilla Islands
Paradise from the AirParadise from the Air
Paradise from the Air

An example of the reefs around Bocas, seen from the air..
Coming into Panama CityComing into Panama City
Coming into Panama City

Ships waiting to enter the canal
Coming into Panama CityComing into Panama City
Coming into Panama City

I got to watch the landing gear come down...and touch down....a bit nerve wracking...!
Panama CityPanama City
Panama City

Our hotel is the round one in the middle with white trim on the roof.
Panama CityPanama City
Panama City

A statue of Balboa, the conqueror, held up by comment.
Casco ViejoCasco Viejo
Casco Viejo

The church on the main square.
Casco ViejoCasco Viejo
Casco Viejo

A pet heron at the President's residence..we just asked the guard if we could walk inot the grounds, he radioed that we were coming..didn't see the President.
Casco ViejoCasco Viejo
Casco Viejo

I bought some applique work from this woman.
Casco ViejoCasco Viejo
Casco Viejo

Street scene..there are lovely apartment buildings that have been renovated..and areas of deep poverty here..

23rd May 2006

Thank you
Thank you for involving us in such an interesting trip!! Best of luck upon your return.

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