I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...

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December 25th 2010
Published: December 26th 2010
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Hello one and all!

We just wanted to take a moment to wish all our friends and family a very merry Christmas! We wish that we could be there to celebrate with all our friends and family in Australia, but we tried to make the best of our possibly one and only English Christmas.

We pretty much spent the day inside our lovely warm flat, with only a brief trip outside to head to a local church for their Christmas service. We woke up earlyish and opened our exciting presents (Paul's present highlight was a camera tripod while mine was a violin), after which our lovely friends Sara and Michelle joined us just before church, and Simon was able to join us for a few hours over lunch. We ate and ate and ate (menu included an amazing cheese platter, maple glazed baked ham, brussels sprouts, baked vegetables, fresh home made rolls) and drank quite a few bottles of wine, of the white, red, rose and mulled varieties (with a short pause to watch the Queen's address). The day was rounded out with a couple of very loud rounds of 'Stick Up and Shout', some pudding and the last

Wadham Road sleepover of the year (and the promise of vast quantities of leftovers the next day!).

Now Boxing Day is almost over and today has been a great day of Wii playing, reading new books and magazines, checking our Facebook pages constantly, updating our Spotify playlists and playing cards. We had the greatest intentions to go for a long walk, but couldn't bring ourselves to leave the warmth of our flat. We like to think that the aerobics of playing the Wii balances it all out.


P.S. Hopefully you think our family portraits are just as funny as we do!

Additional photos below
Photos: 38, Displayed: 23


Paul's poo notebookPaul's poo notebook
Paul's poo notebook

It's now become a book for writing down your thought's from the toilet.
This originally began as a cubeThis originally began as a cube
This originally began as a cube

and the aim is to get it back into a cube, I don't know if that is happening anytime soon.
We are clearly Christmas lunch eating rookiesWe are clearly Christmas lunch eating rookies
We are clearly Christmas lunch eating rookies

as we ate far too much of this delicious platter and hence could not fit as much Christmas lunch as I would have liked in.

29th December 2010

It looks like you had a great day and you weren't too tired after our late/early Christmas skype call. How were the brussel sprouts??? lokking forward already to having you here for next Christmas!!! Love Mum
29th December 2010

Hi Mum! Thanks so much for your comment. I think the brussels sprouts went well, everyone raved about them, but I didn't actually taste any cause I think they are disgusting! Can't wait to see you next Christmas too! Love Em and Paul
24th January 2011

What great shots. So glad you had a wonderful christmas. Those jumpers are really nice. Hope you were not sick from eating all that yummy cheese. How is the violin lessons going Emma?? love, mumxxoo
24th January 2011

Unfortuantely there are no lessons as yet...I am saving up for a nifty little piece of equipment that lays across the top of the strings and dulls the noise while playing. I figured I should have this first, for both Paul's sanity and our neighbours! Em

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