not a lot to report

Published: November 16th 2010
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There isn´t too much to say right now, which is why I haven´t posted.

Witchcraft talk continues regarding Vilma´s sickness. They went out and cleaned the house in Wiwili of all bad spirits, banished the devil, and they hope that this voodoo is the cause of her sickness and now she can recover. I wish that they had taken a camera to document all of the bags of bones and hair and graveyard dirt that they found.

Oh well.

Most of my group of volunteers has gone back to the States. I went last week to have my last medical exams, Lenin came for his last medical exams, we went to the beach, and then he came home while I stayed a few days more.

Next week, Wed 17 - Fri 19 I will be in Managua again, this time to end my service. Hopefully Lenin will come, too, for his visa interview. We are waiting to hear from the embassy on that front.

When I get back to Moropoto I plan to celebrate Thanskgiving with my family. My neighbor has lots of turkeys. I will buy one and some squash and some corn and they can cook it any way they want to, as long as it is not turkey soup, and I am going to introduce the Día de Accion de Gracias here in Moropoto. The last two years I celebrated with volunteers. Now all the volunteers are at home celebrating.

That is about all there is to report from this side of the world.


10th November 2010

Molly, dear dear Molly,......NO, we have not abandoned you! Nor have we forgotten you. A coupla things.....Vilma. I just can hardly stand to sit up here while you and Lenin (and the whole family) are down there, together, watching Vilma waste away. As you know, it is a horrible, horridly horrible feeling of uselessness. I know that you, too, would rush her to a plane (via ambulance, I'm sure) and get her up here to our Lake hospital in a second, if only we could. Not KNOWING, even, WHAT her illness really is is causing everyone pain and frustration. Please, you all have to stay together and promise me that you'll all H U G each other lots. Hugs keep people close to one another. I am so sorry (1) for the suffering that Vilma is yet going through, and (2) for this weight of sadness that is encapsulating all of you when this is, otherwise, SUCH a time of celebration. Please continue to keep us posted. XO
10th November 2010

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are within a few days of being one of the ELITE self-starter people of the world who set out on their own less-travelled paths to make a DIFFERENCE in the WORLD. Not only did you set out with this selfless goal, but you have ACCOMPLISHED it!! We are all so proud of you! Not only did you change your family and community, but you got so much in return. We love Lenin, too, as well as other family and friends that we met at your wedding. Now, my Molly,'s almost time for you to bring your husband and COME HOME!!!!!! (yay!!!!!!!!!!). Love you and am so very proud of you being YOU! xo

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