Its Time to Bring in the Trust

South America
October 1st 2010
Published: October 1st 2010
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Its time to bring in the trust.
Trust is linked and responsible for & to the most important aspect of life, the truth. Most of us are lucky enough to have at least one family member. Luckier still, most of us have a unique bond of uncontional love within this relationship. I feel a deep sorrow for anyone who does not have this... For one who feels they do not. Know that I am here, although´maybe not yet evolved enough to offer unconditional love in its entirity, know that it is my greatest intention to how i wish to live.

One day in the not so distant future we will all lose this famly bond, and what a heartbreaking state of mind that puts you in. Do not fear, the connection is never truly lost, only for the moment. And for that moment, where do we look then? Well, brothers and sisters, it is of course each other. We must give each other un-relenting trust and love. Which should never be broken. This may & will be difficult at first. But once this bond has started to form, your heart and soul will peek out from over its perch on the arbol of life, with a knowing smile on its face, and life shall get easier.

One day we shall all be brothers and sister. On this day we shall acend to a better way.
This is important. For everyone and and equally as important your own happiness and wellbeing, so you can feel you have a place upon this earth.

On a side note. I want to say sorry for the time that I have not given unconditional love to my firends and close ones. I wish to msay a sorry to my family also, for altho there has always been this unbreakable bond of unconditional love, there have been dams and blockages. I hope now the water will continue to run free. I am a sensitive soul and this has on one hand, hindered me. Though I think on the the foot, let me see. I hope those that I have hurt, however small.. Will forgive me.

Love, light, scrambled eggs and bacon.
Ur servant,


1st October 2010

For those who want to love

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