The long, the short and the longest yet!

Published: August 9th 2010
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Well, what did you think of the pics of the last blog? Yes we agree with you there. Well, don’t hold you breath for them on this blog because travelling has been the order of the day, yes, we know we said big km days were not for us, but Steve found an extra gear which meant we could cover an extra 10km per hour and use less diesel.
By the way- are you all happy with the style and content of the blogs? Only readership numbers are down and advertisers are getting itchy feet. A board meeting was called to discuss the possibility of putting in more technical info then we both realised who wrote them so it’s back to the drawing board.

Well let’s get on with it then.

We got back to Alice and booked into 5 star luxury at the Big 4 park. This place is huge, free entertainment provided most nights, but after 3 days the cupboards and tanks are full so we go back north and do 371km (the long) to a place called Wycliffe Well. We only mention it because it is a UFO Centre, yes it’s Unforgettable and Fucking ‘Orrid! Actually it wasn’t that bad, and even had an authentic Chinese restaurant, now Wycliffe Well has a shortage of cats!
Well we didn’t fill up the water tanks for nothing so the following day we drive all of 27km (the short) to a free site behind devil’s Marbles. (look we know what you’re thinking so, don’t ask). We had a good day here and met some nice people, the dunnies, however, were of a rare quality - what do you think?

The next day 498km are covered (the longest) as we arrive at Daly Waters to spend an evening in the famous pub. Now it was not our intention to travel this far, we had intended to stop at Elliott, but if you have ever been there you would understand our decision!! We spent the evening in the pub eating drinking and being entertained by Frank Turton (a rare famous Aussie with his wedgy tail eagle, look him up), and celebrating 4 months of travelling.
One more stop before Katherine at the Homestead at Mataranka Thermal Springs in the Elsey National Park. We stopped for 2 nights, did several short walks by the river and relieve our aching limbs in the clear thermal pools. We also enjoyed more free evening entertainment.

We will leave this blog as our next two days are spent in Katherine doing all those exciting things like washing car and caravan inside and out, clothes and sleeping in till 9am when you wake up and the precipitation is coming down steadily, not much else to do.
Look on the bright side our next blog will come from WA (and therefore will be two hours late) after visits to lake Argyle, the Bungle Bungles and some sleazy strip joint in Kunnunara they we have just been told about.

Please keep reading and leaving your comments.
You all take care

Brumlins on Tour

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10th August 2010

Great pics again. Love Steve's hole!! Mataranka springs look nice.
12th August 2010

Stevie's hole
surely you didn't go for a walk in your budgie smugglers??????

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