Almost on the Tarmac

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February 24th 2005
Published: February 24th 2005
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Thousands of hours of research and planning has come down to the last few days. Here's big tip number one for any other families planning on taking an extended international backpacking trip: Talk to someone who has already done it. Kathryn Young, Bill Davies and family of Kanata, Ontario were the friends of friends who were our experts. They answered all our questions and even gave us their packing list! You can read all the travel books you want (and we have) but there really is nothing better than having the revised packing list from a family who has already experienced it (with 3 kids for 8 months). Knowing what not to bring is at least as important as knowing what to bring. Of course the backpacking law of everyone having to carry all their own stuff goes a long way to ensure that not a lot of frivolous extras are slipping into backpacks. More in a few days...


1st March 2005

Have an absolutely superb time! Love from the Swiss Ceveys, who are looking forward to our time to host you all. - Auntie Helen
3rd March 2005

Make the most of it and Enjoy!!!
Hoping your trip is the best! Have fun and will look forward to seeing your updates as you go along! Be Safe. - Kimberly Meeks
12th March 2005

Have a good trip. Hope you are not booked on JetsGo! Patrick misses you already. George and Kathy - George and Kathy
12th March 2005

Are You There Yet?
You're barely gone and we already miss you, but look forward to hear about your adventure of a lifetime. We wish you all the best and know you will gladly share what you see and learn. Have a GREAT time and don't forget to keep us posted! - Les Leclerc-Racine
25th April 2005

It's great to know that you're safe and the smiles in the photos tell the rest.Have a great adventure! - Marguerite Fleming
2nd July 2005

Hong Kong
Hello Sue, Bill, Keith and Renee Thanks so much for your postcard update. This website and your entered stories are fantastic!! Great to hear things are "exciting and adventurous fun". Our family is off for 5 weeks in France, Spain and Portugal --starting next week. Keep in touch....Love MaryLou (Calgary)

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