Sometimes it is better not to say anything

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December 24th 2009
Published: December 24th 2009
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I have learnt over the years, and especially while working with children, that sometimes it is better not to say anything, because if you do it will no doubt get you into more trouble. Well I had one of these moments yesterday in the car while being driven to the station by my bosses husband. Lets just say he didn't take the news of my leaving too well, and as I said in a previous message it took him all of 10 days to actually talk to me. Well for the last 3 days I was down in the Country with them (which was, by the way, as dull as a very blunt object), so he kind of had to talk to me. Well on the 5 minute drive to the station, he suddenly said 'i would like to talk to you about how you handed your resignation....' oh whoopie here we go again. Actually, it was not bad at all - he can get very cross and scary, but he actually spoke to me in a very quiet tones with not one ounce of anger or bitterness. He basically said that he was very disappointed in what I had done - not because I had handed my resignation in, but the way I did it. Firstly he was annoyed that I handed in one months notice - as I have said before THAT'S ALL I HAD TO HAND IN' , and that it happened to be over the Christmas period. Okay, yes that is unfortunate that this period falls in the middle of it, but I couldn't avoid it. He told me that he wished I had given in my months notice at the beginning of Jan because then they could have found someone to replace me. The next part kind of contradicts that, as he said they probably wouldn't be able to find a new nanny until the end of spring? WHAT? That makes no sense. If that were true, then it really wouldn't matter when I handed in my notice, because by his own words it would take them about 5 months to find someone.

Anyway he also said that I had obviously been thinking about it for a long time and that I should have mentioned it earlier. This is were it is better not to say anything. This was not something I had been thinking about for ages, in fact it happened in about the space of 5 days. My boss made a comment to me on Mon 30 basically saying that even when she wasn't there and the grandparents where then I was still not in charge! On the Tuesday my college phoned me and asked how things were going, so I told them, and they advised me that it was time to start looking for a new job. This job that I will be starting had just appeared on the jobs list, so they sent out my cv that day. That same day I had a job interview lined up for the Thursday. On the Saturday they flew me to Germany for the day to meet the children and they offered me the job there and then. I had one day to decide to take it, and I had to hand in my notice on Tuesday 8th December because that would give me one month before this new job starts. I could have said all that to him, but hey it's Christmas and I didn't want him to start shouting. Plus if it makes them sleep easy at night thinking that - then that is just dandy. I also didn't want to run the risk of him getting really cross and make me walk to the station in the snow and rain - that would not have been fun. Now some of you may think I am a big old wimp for not saying anything, but I will let them know all that in my good bye letter to them.

Enough of that. Someone asked where I was going. I do have a list, and this list keeps growing, but I have no idea in what order, how long, or where abouts in these countries we will be going to. It really is going to be a huge adventure. So here it is the new list of place I may be going to:

Hong Kong
South Africa
Galapagos Islands
Costa Rica

possibly also

Okay so I may have just lied - I do have an email that I just re-read that has all the places in the counties that we are going to, however I am not going to tell. Hehehe you will all have to wait and keep on reading to find out where I will be and what I will doing. I can tell you that it will be good. Anyone jealous yet?

So on Jan 11th think of me flying to Germany and then again on the 15th when all the adventures truly begin.

Which leaves me now to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2010.


24th December 2009

Good Job?
I think you did exactly the right thing, Anita. Every thought does not need to be expressed. It was very mature of you to just let him vent. I'm glad you're going to a new family, regardless of the adventure. But the adventure is SO exciting, its the icing on the cake. I'll definitely be thinking of you!
24th December 2009

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Anita! Thank you for sharing this journey with us. I am really looking forward to going along for the ride through your updates! :~) Jody - wovenwonder
25th December 2009

A very Happy Christmas to you!
Perhaps if you tell them in the goodbye letter how it made you feel when they said you were not in charge, ever, they will not make that same mistake in the future. Maybe! It does not sound as though they want to entertain any notions other than how you have done them wrong. Oh well, onward - can hardly wait for you to start this epic trip in earnest!
25th December 2009

your itinerary
So MANY things exciting about all those countries! Your Disney friends will cross fingers that a trip to DL or WDW is included there, that would be awesome for you. LYMI Anita, can't wait for your adventure to begin.
26th December 2009

There is certainly a trip to DL involved! I don't think we are going florida way. I have my fingers crossed for Hong Kong Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland.
29th December 2009

Yes, indeed it is . . . :-)
As much as you pattered on about the children, I could feel your discontent with their parents. After you left KY, I told Jerry that you wouldn't be long on this job. So glad you've moved on! I'm praying that God blesses this 6 month jaunt! Have loads of fun! xoxoxo Judith

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