Napier - New Zealand

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November 8th 2009
Published: November 8th 2009
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.


11-4-09 - Wednesday we arrived late afternoon in Napier on the East Coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Without a doubt, Napier is one of the loveliest cities we’ve been to since landing in New Zealand. We had Jeannie’s address and since she lived atop Lighthouse Road …. well we figured to find our way to the highest point in the city, close to the edge of the of the bluff and we should find her house. Sure enough we worked our way to the highest point and we finally found Lighthouse Road where she lives. Her daughter Emma greeted us as she returned from piano practice. We got settled in our room with all our stuff and awaited Jeannie and Magnus to return from Wellington.

Not too long after we got in, Jeannie arrived, showed us around the house, and the new addition they were building. When we return in early January we should see a much improved kitchen and dining area, plus other changes. We also had to get ready for a fund-raising event which Jeannie was assisting with which included drinks, food and a movie - The Soloist. When we got in bed Wednesday night,
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
we were ready for some good sleep.

Brief history about Napier - Napier was virtually destroyed on February 3, 1931 by a 7.8 earthquake. What was not taken down in the earthquake was burned in the fire following. A total of 150 aftershocks hit the city within 12 hours, over 500 aftershocks within 14 days. The largest happening 10 days later at a magnitude of 7.3. A land area of 90 kilometers by 17 kilometers was uplifted approximately 8 feet in the nearby region. Areas of Napier that were once underwater were now above sea level. Napier rebuilt in a very short time of two years in the form of the architecture of the time which was Art-Deco. It is has the largest number of Art-Deco building than any city in the world. It is truly a beutiful place to visit and should not be left off of a tour of New Zealand.

11-5-09 - Thursday we dropped off our car in Napier at a car repair shop to get a few things checked on (brakes, tires, belts, etc). Jeannie then dropped us off in downtown where we checked on the Walking Tour of down town Napier and

On the way to Napier along the coast.
the many Art-Deco buildings for which the city is so famous. The self-guided tour was wonderful and we managed to see much of the downtown area and the very interesting architecture. We met Jeannie around 1:00 for some Sushi at a very popular location. We finished up the day with a 12 kilometer bike ride along the coastline cycling south from Napier. It was a very easy ride along the beach and back.

Later on that night we celebrated Guy Fawkes where they set off fireworks at the top of the overlook from their house. It’s the memory of the failed plot to blow up Westminster Parliament in the 1600s in England. Guy Fawkes has been vilified ever since with fireworks events and the burning of straw guys on bonfires.

11-6-09 - Friday we walked from Jeannie’s house (our car is still at the repair shop) all the way to the bottom of the hill into downtown. We visited the Information Center for a city map and other information for activities and sites, checked out several gardens and the downtown district. We proceeded to get lunch, then walked to the car repair shop to check on our vehicle.

On the way to Napier along the coast.
Our car needed some basic repair work and everything was completed when we arrived. We headed on to the house for some overdue relaxation.

11-7-09 - Saturday we got up early, fixed everyone some pancakes. We then headed out with Jeannie to several wineries in the Hawkes Bay area. We checked out 3 wineries and then headed off to the Gannett Reserve at Cape Kidnappers. This was a well worthwhile excursion and learned a great deal about the area and geology - see photos. Cape Kidnappers is also the location of a world class golf course at the top of the bluff - not visible from where we were at the bottom. Cape Kidnappers got its name from Captain Cook when the Maoris paddled out to his ship - perhaps they were curious at the time. They saw a young boy the ship who the Maoris thought was a Maoris but he was actually Cook’s cabin boy who had voluntarily joined Cook’s crew while they were in Tahiti. They thought he was there against his will, took him into the canoe and were sailing off with him, but Cook and crew rescued him before they got very far away.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
Cook then named the location Cape Kidnappers.

11-8-09 - Sunday we went to church at St. Johns Cathedral in downtown Napier. We then cleaned and wash our car, took photos of it so we could later on put the photos and information on a New Zealand website to sell the car prior to departing. We also cleaned up our gear and organized it since we were departing Napier for Lake Taupo on Monday then to Wellington on Tuesday. It is definitely going to be difficult departing since we have been fed so well. Magnus is an outstanding cook and we've been trying to figure out how to pack him and necessary food into the car with us for the trip to the South Island. He has spoiled us and our camping food will be difficult to return to.

At this moment, we e are now moving quickly towards departing Jeannie and Magnus's house and readying ourselves for the trip on Monday to Lake Taupo which is west northwest of Napier and then down to Wellington at the bottom of the North Island for a day or two. We'll then take the large car ferry from Wellington to Picton
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
on the South Island where the more rugged portion of our trip will begin. Cheers to everyone back at home!!

Additional photos below
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Art-deco buildings and architecture in Napier.
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Downtown Napier.

8th November 2009

NZ trip
Larry and Rhea, Thanks for the latest comentary and photos of Napier. Interesting design on the buildings from the 1930s. Don't see that often in the U.S. Jim
8th November 2009

Thank you for the beautiful pictures of art-deco. My favorite. Did you get the recipe for the dessert? Looks delicious. I am enjoying your trip so much. Peace, love and be safe, Linda
8th November 2009

Hi from sunny and HOT South Fork. Where's the snow?? We're enjoying your blog. I think you'll like the South Island - as you say, it's a lot more rugged and (to us) more interesting than the north. We lost each other for three days in Abel Tasman - we'll have to tell you the story sometime! Eve
9th November 2009

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Just got back myself from a trip to Columbia, MO visiting a friend who just adopted a child from China. The little girl is just adorable (2 years old). Can't wait to hear more from you. We sure do miss you. Take care.
10th November 2009

So are you going to go zorbing while in New Zealand?
10th November 2009

Looks like you are both having a great time. The pictures are beautiful. It's not near as exciting here. Y'all have fun, and take care.
10th November 2009

Glad to hear you found your old friend. I still remember when she and a friend showed up in Jackson at the Salvation Army or bus station? to see the "Old South." Napier does look beautiful. I have read about this town in a travel magazine. Hurricane Ida totally missed us. Not even any rain.
19th November 2009

Lost in Abel Tasman?
So Eve - you'll have to tell us how you and Ozzie got lost? Perhaps we can come skiing at Wolf Mountain at Pagosa Springs after we return and hear the story first hand. Larry
19th November 2009

keeping up with you
Mother is enjoying reading your blogs! If you want to keep up with all the goings on around the carr house, check into my blog. Scroll all the way back to get to the first part. You'll feel like its Christmas time. smiling at you. love and take care. Hope

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