Vancouver days 1 and 2

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October 25th 2009
Published: October 26th 2009
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Taken during our stop over in NZ
Hello everyone, we've flown for sixteen hours around the world and landed in rainy vancouver... and guess what, it feels like the pilot is playing cruel joke and dropped us back off in Melbourne. No, there's differences, for example don't cut corners or jay-walk until you known what direction the traffic flows from. Spent the first night in a hostel in 'downtown' Vancouver, found a great brewery and learnt the trick to not getting jet lagged is to confuse your body with a nasty hangover. Day two we caught the bus out to SFU by accident which is one of the big universities, very pretty campus, and then eventually found our way to Ben's friends house who is putting us up for the week in her sunroom. Ali has a great place she shares with two other equally awesome girls so they and some of their other friends took us out clubbing last night. Taking it easy today, cooking up a big risotto and making a real pumpkin pie for dessert! Hiring a car tomorrow to drive up to whistler so Ben can jump off a platform in the rain tied to a bungy rope whilst I capture it on film,
Airplane 2Airplane 2Airplane 2

so that will be a good day out. Then we'll probably head over to Vancouver Island for a look around sometime this week, Ben has another friend there who can show us where to go, and we've got a house party line up for halloween and have to hunt down some wicked costumes and fill our pockets with candy... and fire crackers!!! Yes, thy are legal and sold on every corner so we plan to get our hands on some of those and make a night of it... using extreme caution of course. Hope i've made everyone jealous and will update again soon. Sarah xx.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Blackfrog BreweryBlackfrog Brewery
Blackfrog Brewery

The brewery we went to the first night and drank far too many dark ales but met some friendly locals.

Went down to the water and there were all these very cute houseboats, mum you would have loved it.
Fall leavesFall leaves
Fall leaves

It's very pretty at the moment, proper fall time and all the leaves are red and orange.

26th October 2009

Mothers comments
yes I am jealous, about that brewery.....was the ale good? Remember no skiing until after December!!!
29th October 2009

OOHH yeah
Love the airplane photo and the gastown steam clock....... very jealous of your rad adventures!!

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