This is just a test entry

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August 9th 2009
Published: August 9th 2009
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Bangkok at night

So let's pretend ...

this is our first day/night in Bangkok. And Lise and I are writing this thing for all of you to read, and we'll add some pictures to this post. Let's see how that works out ... =)


Ok so I was able to attach pictures to this blog entry, and then edit the text again before publishing, which is nice. Now this is a bit strange, but I can't attach any pictures that are smaller than 400x400 (for those of you interested in keeping a travelblog, this one seems to supported very large pictures, I added the dimensions as titles). When I tried adding a 490x329 pic it said it has to be at least 400x400 ... hehe.


We also have the ability to add video(s?) and maps. I'm not going to do any video editing in Thailand so no HD videos, sorry =) (Would be a pain to upload!) I'll check out if 3GP files are supported in a minute. If so, we can upload some small videos =)

For you this is all continuing text, but I just uploaded a video I just recorded using my cell phone. The format

is .3gp, which has very limited support. Perhaps I'll try youtube or facebook, and then link there. If these sites support it (I believe facebook does). The video is 331kb in size but already took a while to upload on a broadband connection. So uploading HD in Thailand is no option.

I'm quite happy with this travel blog so far because :

This is just a heading 3 test I'm throwing in 😉

This is the 490x329 image, embedded, centered

Ok, that doesn't seem to work. Let's link to a youtube video (for which you'll have to turn your head) =P

Youtube video, format 3gp

Alright ... let's see how

Wat Arun, Bangkok
this all works out after publishing!

Lise & Tom

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5



Bangkok Airport

"One night in Bangkok"

9th August 2009

Mmm ok
So the embedded pic doesn't work too well it seems And pics seem to be distributed along the page ... Ah well, I can live with that ;)
9th August 2009

Ok and it also seems
That : - the lists and images don't play along well. - I've read in another blog that images aren't posted in the same order as added when typing the entry (thus chronologically incorrect, which might be annoying when writing a long story after we couldn't update for a while) - the 3gp video seems to have disappeared ...
9th August 2009

The embedded video at the top of this entry does not work. This is because does not support the 3gp format. To have a look at the video, use the link to youtube. Also not that line breaks in comments don't seem to work. Everything is just one big continuous paragraph =P

Tot: 0.114s; Tpl: 0.009s; cc: 11; qc: 58; dbt: 0.0656s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.2mb