Breakfast With the Crocodiles

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July 10th 2009
Published: July 10th 2009
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Flooded BreakfastFlooded BreakfastFlooded Breakfast

Wren and Rachel enjoy a cup of coffee in the restaurant. Care to join crocs?
Wren writing:
This morning we experienced what will probably be the most exhilarating breakfast of our lives. It had rained all night the night before and was still pouring when we reached the restaurant. The restaurant is located in the little lake (that contains the crocodiles!) and the bridges that connect it to the shore were already flooded with about 3 inches of water. And as we stood in line for the breakfast buffet, water began to flow into the restaurant and swell around our ankles. So we went to the upper level to eat and by the time we came down (we just had to get a camera because it was so cool), the water was up to our knees. One of the smaller crocodiles had come up and sat itself on the bridge to the gift shop, so walking back through the very murky water was quite thrilling! We got back and were able to convince the workers t let us back in and take some good pictures. All in all, an absolutely wonderful breakfast.

Breakfast, however, was certainly the most eventful part of the day, as the rain had also flooded the road out of the hotel (so much that people were catching fish that were flowing out of the pond, across the road, into the forest on the other side) which kept us from going anywhere until late.


11th July 2009

Very Brave
I love the photo of Wren and Rachel enjoying coffee. Is it good coffee? May we see photos of Anna and Ralph also? My life feels very boring now, I must also have an adventure soon. You have inspired me!

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