A Time to Relax.

Singapore's flag
Asia » Singapore
July 9th 2009
Published: July 9th 2009
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If you can take your eyes off me you will notice part of the Singapore skyline in the background.
Hi everyone,

Well our work in India finally came to an end and we are currently on official holidays now. We are in Singapore at the minute and when we leave on Saturday we are going to Malaysia for 10 days. Our journey to Singapore was an interesting one as we found out at the airport in India that our plane was just about to take off as soon as we arrived at the airport, the time of the flight had been brought forward but they hadn’t informed us. However they soon got us onto another flight and we arrived in Kuala Lumpur 3.5 hours later and then got our flight down to Singapore. We arrived on Saturday and met up with one of our lecturers from our course (we talked about her in the blog entry titled ‘A bit more about us’ a good number of weeks back) who has provided us with accommodation here. We were very glad to get to bed and it was great to get a lie in the next morning. Singapore is a very small Island with a population of about 4 million, the entire island is basically a city and a very prosperous
The MerlionThe MerlionThe Merlion

This is the mascot of Singapore, the Marlion.
one at that. At one point I counted approximately 65 cranes across the skyline within a 100 yard stretch, not much sign of a recession here. We spent a couple of days around the shops etc looking at everything we couldn’t afford to buy. It is a very westernised and modern city, I’m not into shopping much but it was nice to be surrounded by familiar setting after spending so long in India. Two major differences that stood out to me between here and India are 1) it is very clean and 2) they have toilet roll in the public toilets…..and all God’s people said…..Amen!!!

Yesterday we visited Sentosa island, a small island off Singapore with various tourist attractions like underwater world, dolphin shows and a few class beaches etc. It’s a lovely place and it was great to just relax and dander about at our own leisure. We spent today at Singapore zoo again taking our time to walk about and relax. A few of the shows were quite good (elephant show, sea lion show) and the weather has been quite kind to us. The temperature is in the low 30’s so its still quite warm but not
A couple of local birds.A couple of local birds.A couple of local birds.

These parrots were on Sentosa Island, I think they have been to the same t-shirt shop as Bronagh.
in the 40’s which is what we have been used to this past while.

I will post another update when we are in Malaysia, its so good to have some time to relax, feels like we are breathing a sigh of relief after the last 3 months, do keep in touch everyone.

All the best

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Bronagh on the beachBronagh on the beach
Bronagh on the beach

Bronagh sitting on the beach on Sentose Island with her two favourite men eating out of the palm of her hand....Ben and Jerry.
Another bridgeAnother bridge
Another bridge

This bridge is somewhat safer than the bridge in our last blog entry.

9th July 2009

So glad to see you guys relaxing and soaking up the sun. Have a great time!
10th July 2009

Its fantastic to see you both so happy and relaxed looking. what an appropriate shirt Mr Grumpy . You should wear it at our next snooker encounter. They are some great backdrops to your photos . Enjoy every second of your remaining time and i look forward to seeing you soon.
10th July 2009

Glad to see you are having some time to relax -after all your hard work you deserve it. Have fun.
12th July 2009

hi guys ... glad you're getting some time to relax ... you deserve it!
12th July 2009

so good to talk to you both properly. thanks for ringing!!!! enjoy the next 10 days or so, see you at the airport xo
16th July 2009

great that yous are able to have some down time enjoying the world and each other... super... I'm just back from 3 weeks at home. Had a brilliant time.

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