Hi from Karumba, on the Gulf of Carpentaria

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May 25th 2009
Published: May 25th 2009
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Hi everyone
We are back in communication again! after Sapphire we headed west. We had an overnight stop at Barcaldine Show grounds (over 200 powered sites ), then stopped at Ilfracombe and walked and looked at the Machinery Mile - lots of old graders, tractors, trucks and other machinery. Graeme and Rick would have loved it!! Then on to Longreach, where we stayed for 3 nights. We did the tourist attractions there, including the sunset cruise on the River Thomson (reminded us of the cruise at Inaminka), Qantas Museum, Stockman's hall of Fame and even a Cobb and Co stagecoach ride out into the countryside. We also visited the School of the Air. From Longreach we drove on, north west to Winton, where we were entertained in the campground to a great country singer who had won awards at Tamworth, and also a lady bush poet. After going through the Waltzing Matilda Centre, we drove on, and had a night free camped with a campfire dinner. We called into Cloncurry to shop and fill up with diesel, then headed north to Burke and Wills Roadhouse, where we stayed last night in a cheap campsite behind the hotel. Today we drove on 260k north up to Karumba. The road at times is single lane tarseal , and we met quite a few roadtrains with 3 and sometimes 4 trailers (we get right off the road and let them past!!). This afternoon we visited the Barramundi Discovery Centre where barramundi are spawned and hatched, for restocking waters around here for recreational fishermen. We could see where the floods have been through here earlier this year, but we have had only sunny days, today up to 29 degrees, with only a very slight breeze. We were given fish for our dinner tonight by the friendly neighbours, they just came back from fishing in their tinny as we were setting up our van. It was a blue nosed salmon, a white flesh fish, very nice too. We also had some prawns we had bought from the fishery for $10 kilo. It's really tough here!! Chris has tried some , to see if he is allergic to them. We went to Happy hour put on by the camp ground (we are at Karumba Point Sunset Caravan Park as recommended by several of our friends), and watched the sun set over the Gulf of Carpentaria. We have booked her for 2 nights but will probably stay at least 3. It's lovely. We have solved the puzzle of why our TV doesn't work, its digital and they only have anolog in most of these parts ! We can get one station here not very clearly. Anyway , we don't want to watch it with lovely views to see!
Cheers Lynne and Chris

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Toads in the toiletToads in the toilet
Toads in the toilet

At Burke and Wills Roadhouse toilets Chris had company! Reminded us of our cape York trip!!
3 road trains lined up3 road trains lined up
3 road trains lined up

At Burke and Wills Roadhouse.
Typical outback roadTypical outback road
Typical outback road

Rivercrossing, can see where flodds have been.
Qantas Museum LongreachQantas Museum Longreach
Qantas Museum Longreach

We walked on the wing of the 747 200
Sunset cruise LongreachSunset cruise Longreach
Sunset cruise Longreach

On Thomson River
Cobb and Co CoachCobb and Co Coach
Cobb and Co Coach

We rode out onto the common, we sat in the back seat.
Typical classroomTypical classroom
Typical classroom

School of the air, Longreach.
At Waltzing Matilda CentreAt Waltzing Matilda Centre
At Waltzing Matilda Centre

4x4 Jeffery Quad 1913, one of 2 left, 1st 4Wsteer, 4WD drive vehicle.
Typical signTypical sign
Typical sign

We have come quite a way now!
Ilfracombe Mile of MachineryIlfracombe Mile of Machinery
Ilfracombe Mile of Machinery

Lots of graders, tractors etc. This is a Stuart Tank sold for $5 in Albury after WW2
My new ringMy new ring
My new ring

Linda asked to see it. The sapphire we found, cut polished and set.

25th May 2009

Our beautiful frogs
You musn't mistake our beautiful frogs with those horrible imported toads. You should feel very special to be sharing the WC with such cute little green things. We used to have so many around our place when I was growing up and the toads are gradually killing them off. So smile when you see one and say aaah and never call it a toad. I wish we were with you I loved that part of the world and the sunsets never fail to amaze. Are you going to do a spot of fishing yourself? Have fun and keep the blogs coming they are very informative. Love Zena
26th May 2009

Great to hear about all your adventures. Thanks for sending the photo of the ring Lynne, it is beautiful. Well done! Love the frogs in the loo. Great to see you got to the School in the air, that must have been interesting. You look the part in the cockpit of the plane! Enjoy some warm sunshine for us. XX
26th May 2009

Went fishing at Karumba
We went fishing yesterday pm on a half day charter, another couple and us. We got 11 nice eating fish to bring home, so the freezer is now full -even the iceblocks had to come out to make room! 3 different varieties of fish, including blue nosed and silver salmon (which have white flesh), and skipjacks. We were fishing in 800mm of water, Den would have loved pulling up the anchor at that depth!! It was a challenge for Chris to clean the fish with our multipurpose knife. This CP is set up for fishermen with lots of fish cleaning tables. Lots come up here with their tinnies for months at a time. No wonder, we have seen more fish caught here than anywhere in oz! By the way, Chris caught more than me yesterday, must be slipping! Cheers Lynne
28th May 2009

Hi from the Far North
Graet to receive another update of your trip. You are covering areas that i would hpe to visit some time. You must have dodged the wet weather that has been around Queenslands Eastern area. Keep up the news which i am sure is much appreciated by all. Love your photos of the frogs. I can imagine the reaction of some others of our group coming acros them in the middle of the night. Take care. Graeme and Margaret.
29th October 2009

We live in Paradise, ( Karumba.)
Well lovely to hear of visitors who visit our lovely little town and find enjoyment here. My hubby and I moved here 17 years ago and we love the place. We have many good friends who are tourists and they visit each year for the winter.

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