chocolate, cheese and cheers.

Published: February 8th 2006
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Mercedes, my second host mom, welcomed us into Argentina with hugs, flowers and a spanish that was quite fast and full of excitement

The smells are what bring back the most memories for me. The sweet warm chocolate being stirred with care and experience, the cool Andean air whistling on the top of the ski hill, the smell of crispy meat being cooked in all shapes and sizes eveywhere, the aerosol deoderant that was sprayed on for thirty seconds too many, and the smell of my favorite restaurants and favorite spots by the lake, all combined with the smells of disel engines polluting our nostrils and random smells of ass here and there that swirl together in harmony to remind me of my exchange year. It is great being back in San Carlos de Bariloche!

Lindsay and I met up with Stephanie Overend at the bus station on sunday after noon and since then we have been having a marvelous time. My three host families have has us in their homes for fondues, pizzas and sleepovers. Yesterday we went with my first family´s boys to a Swiss Colony for maté and a quick swim. The swim in the glaciar fed lake was refreshing to put it in a nice way.

We have been relaxing and trying to
University of BelgranoUniversity of BelgranoUniversity of Belgrano

Umm, Lindsay, I don´t think we are at UBCO anymore! It is a 20 story building with very strange elevator systems, the people we´ve met there so far are great!
catch up on three weeks of stressful good byes, long bus trips, late nights out in Buenos Aires, (when we get home at 9 and don´t eat until 11:30pm, and don´t get into bed until 2ish, the sleep isn´t exactly what I´d call, quality). All three of us have stuffy noses as well as a feast of other problems. Minor bladded infections, sore throats, self diagnosed broken rib, coughs, hang nails and chapped lips, you know, the usual change of pace and climate issues. But, no worries. We´re smiling and singing while we take trips to the country in the back of trucks, and we are having a blast, and eating and drinking well. Perhaps I should clarify and just say we are eating, and we are drinking well. The wine is just delicious since the wine industry took a turn for the best about 20 years ago. The food, well, for a vegetarian it is limited and for meat eaters, it is limited with meat. Our diets have consisted of white bread, cheese, grated carrot and tomato salad, and cheese and onion pizza. Great white bread and mediocre cheese, to say the least. Anyway, the icecream and chocolate is

At the hostel´s open air bar in Buenos Aires with some rocking aussies that we met on our last night there. Good times !
FANTASTIC so, like always, we are smiling and happy.

Tomorrow we are heading to Junin de los Andes, we will be volunteering there for two weeks, most Argentines give us a strange look when we say we are happy to go volunteer and some have accused us as being missionaries. I assure you, we are not imperialists, missionaries or even going there so to pat ourselves on the back for service above self. We are going humbly, to learn about the Mapuche people and culture, to help out where we can, and to give back I guess, to the marginalized and oppressed. I am not 100% sure about how I should feel about what we are doing, but I am looking forward to the night skys on the pampas and teaching the kids how to play Jungle Speed. Here is the website for anyone who wants to check it out.

Well, mis amores, we will continue on our journey. Exploring, relaxing, learning and having fun. We are thinking of you and wishing you all the best in your lives, your classes, your jobs and hearts!

Take care and leave a message!

long journey southlong journey southlong journey south

lovely sunset from our window on the bus.


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buenos aires babebuenos aires babe
buenos aires babe

lindsay just taking it all in, at our hostel in buenos aires.
belgrano poolbelgrano pool
belgrano pool

lindsay and alfredo (our real estate guy) and OUR POOL! on the roof of our apartment building!

8th February 2006

que emocion
im sure its wonderful to be back, smelling all the smells, both like death and...mmmm...chocolate. you are beautiful. have a drink for me...or 2...or 3...we are in midterms. las quiero la bolisima hails
9th February 2006

Hola mis amores!!!!!
Hola mis amores!!!!!! Como andan? Espero q bien! Q bueno q estan divertiendo su "viaje". Jenica, q bueno q es volverte a tu ciudad, no? Espero q todo sigue bien y no olviden de nosotros!!!! Mandame una carte, YA!!!! jaja TKM!!!!!! Cuidense!!!! Tu amigo, Robert!!!!!!
12th February 2006

greetings from UBCO reading week
Hi Girls, WOW it all looks so amazing!! We are missing the 3 of you girls alot here. Last night was Ivan's birthday party. It was festive as usual. We drank too much and then we went to Flash Backs. It was a good time but my head is still giving me a little pain! Enjoy the volunteering. We are all proud of you! Love, Heather

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