Vietnam - south to north in 6 days.

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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
February 7th 2005
Published: February 7th 2005
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Hey guys

I have had an insane week. After my last entry i went and hit the town in Saigon. Met some Aussie lads in a rock'n pub and found myself booking a ticket with them to a little coastal town called Mui Ne. The bus left at 6am, i left the pub at 2am (they were still hard at it - it was one of their birthdays).... bottom line is i made it to the bus and they didn't. So i was alone again, but loving it.

Arrived in Mui Ne, met some guys from Seattle on the bus and some Aussie lads at the resort, we had a bonfire on the beach that night which was pretty cool. Caught the bus the next day to Nah Trang where I met some Canadian gals (who were leaving Mui Ne) we hooked up and shared a room for 2 nights in Nah Trang. I had a totally brilliant time in Nah Trang.... (ran in to a lot of people who i met in Saigon) it has a beautiful beach (even by Australian standards), total party town and plenty to see and do.

After a 15 hour bus ride,
Chicken anyone??Chicken anyone??Chicken anyone??

Chicken in Saigon, avian ain't likely to get this one. (more Tet celebrations)
which included seeing a collision between truck and bus, I stopped in Hoi An - it wasn't long enought to get any clothes made and the bus to Hanoi was full.... i had to be in Hanoi by the following day as the next 3 days everything stops for their NY celebratsions. Being without transport, tired, hungry and no place to stay I was on the brink of tears when a local woman saved the day.... she arranged a cheap hotel for me that night, booked me a taxi and a plane to Hanoi the next day - she wasn't benefiting at all from helping me, i offered her some money and she wouldn't take it - a total angel in my hour of need.

So after a brilliant shower, fix of tv and a nights sleep I ended up catching a taxi to Da Nang and the plane from Da Nang to Hanoi.... BRILLIANT MOVE. Saved 16 hrs on the bus and i met a sweedish girl, guy and an Irish lad who i am going to stay with for the next 3 days, tops party people with great English. Oh, and the Irish lad is a brilliant
Communism in practiceCommunism in practiceCommunism in practice

Woman checking details - crossing from one province to another. Saigon.
haggler (always good).

First night in Hanoi tonight and at first sight Hanoi is brilliant, plenty happening and pretty town. Im hoping to get out to Halong bay before i go if we can.... im not sure how much shuts down for new years but it would be a shame to travel this far and not see the bay.

I am looking forward to staying in one spot for a couple of days - its good to have a temporary home long enough to get some washing done - and i am sick of the bus.

Im off to Bangkok on the 10th but i hope to get in touch with you all before then.

For those sending text messages - i am not getting them, i think it may be the sim card but i believe i can send them ok and calls are good.

When i hit BKK ill be on the Thailand number and both text and talk seem to work fine on that one.

Im off to grab a bite with new flatmates.

Love you all.


Additional photos below
Photos: 30, Displayed: 24


Saigon - Flower MarketSaigon - Flower Market
Saigon - Flower Market

Competition winners
Friends from the first nightFriends from the first night
Friends from the first night

would love to remember names - sorry guys! Dylan - you piker, i made it to the bus.... where the hell where you?
Paris of the orient?Paris of the orient?
Paris of the orient?

Hanoi lake tet eve.
Last night in HanoiLast night in Hanoi
Last night in Hanoi

Flatmates and a pom. Left - Right: Martin, Colmn, Amanda, Neil (UK)and I.
Fisherman at Mui NeFisherman at Mui Ne
Fisherman at Mui Ne

Beautiful at sunset.

26th January 2006

this is great
I look through all these picture, and thank you for taken them and put them online, I really enjoy looking at it. I was once live in Vietnam, and is a great place to live somewhat. Thank you again for putting the pictures online. These pictures is beautiful.

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