Day 9- Ludlow-North Bristol

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April 12th 2009
Published: April 12th 2009
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The rumours doing the rounds at breakfast was that Burnsey wanted us to put in some extra miles today and break the back of days to come as we had weather on our side. Typical, it looks like we have got a fighting chance of getting off early tonight but oh no not with a slave driver at the helm!! Who does he think he is?! What sort of a ridiculous plan is that??!!

We finished at 7pm in the sunshine, we added another two to our ever growing support gang, (Daz and Yo), we managed to have a good lunch in a nice pub a couple of miles before the Severn Bridge and we have taken approx 30 miles off the remaining total. What a great idea, I knew it would be a good plan and i'm pleased that Burnsey listened to me in the end!!

Gabe was able to cycle the whole day today and our new back up team have been spot on. Spirits are really high and we can almost taste the cornish cream teas. Just got some more hills ahead now so lets hope the weather holds!


13th April 2009

go team go
Hi to all the joglers sounds like the weather gods are with you at last , but i think you should try it the other way next time to know which is the best , just a thought ,maybe a port a loo as well . Keep knocking down the miles with all those smiles. go team go.
13th April 2009

Not far now!
So glad to hear the weather's changed for the better for you all and pleased to hear you've been relieved of your driving duties, Gabe. Sounds like you did a sterling job anyway. Great to speak to you and Charlie this morning, Goffy, and to hear that you're in good shape. Look forward to joining you tomorrow (Tues) and to spurring you on for the rest of the journey. xxxx
13th April 2009

Nearly there
If you haven't already made it, I'm sure you must be within smelling distance of that lovely sea breeze. Congratulations on getting so far, amazing. P.S. hope Goff hasn't held you back with his dodgy head!
13th April 2009

Burnsey & Lucas et al
No photos or pictures yet, cant wait for this trip in ASSEMBLY. Should see us through from Monday to Friday for a month. Good Luck and fine weather wishes to you all. Cheers see you soon.
13th April 2009

Local knowledge...
I see that your visit to North Bristol has coincided nicely with the long overdue re-opening of the Old Tavern. I would recommend you stopping off there for a pint, but Blackberry Hill is far bigger than anything you could've encountered on the way down from JOG. Just a quick word of warning as well, don't cycle too slowly thru South Bristol, or you will get your bike nicked or worse. Keep up the good work guys, not far to go now...
14th April 2009

all in vain
Quality work team, sounds like things are really picking up. Hate to pee on the collective bonfire but it's all been a wasted effort - Swampy and his unwashed mates have settled on the Headlands football pitch, chained themselves to some trees and are banging on about some endangered bats - lots of acoustic guitars and Rob Kempson-type folk, it's like the Newbury bypass all over again. I'm sure it'll all be sorted by a year or so of courtroom battles! How are the piles doing?

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