Arrival in Belize City (B.C.)

Published: December 8th 2008
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Last night, while still in Orangewalk, the beach started calling my name. I had initially booked my stay at Hotel de la Fuente for 3 days, but I can't picture myself here any longer, now that I did the Lamanai River Tour (my only objective) the day after I got to Orangewalk. A dog has obviously eaten the rooster that has been on my trail, as he was the one who woke me at an early hour. (1st note to self, invest in earplugs)

The kind people at Fuente granted me a refund once I explained my calling! Either way I was outta there! I packed up and jumped on the 10 am bus, and arrived here in B.C. at noon. From my research I knew not to expect much, and it has not exceeded my expectations. I wasn't getting a good vibe from the City, and I wasn't even at the bus station yet! So I opted to take a short cab ride to the Belcove Hotel, and Lorraine changed my date of arrival, no problem..but I already knew that!! Some things you just know. Another thing I now know, is one should be weary of pics of a hotel, tightly cropped to the sides of the building. I now see the reasoning behind that. The Belcove Hotel is right on the river and I can see the swing bridge from the balcony, 10 feet from my door. My room is tiny, clean, and not a 4-legged monster in sight (or under the bed). Life is good!

The water taxis are across the street and I intend on being on the first one out tomorrow morning, to stretch out on the sandy beaches of San Pedro (wasn't on my itinerary..but who cares!)

I met Australian Jess and English Kim within 1/2 hour of my arrival as they were checking in. I found my way to a close internet cafe (in the back of a Saans/Office Depot look-a-like, and emailed home of my safe arrival, only to find an email from Calgary Mike waiting for me to warn me about B.C. and his expression to safe safe) Bless his gentlemanly heart! Not around anymore, but still looking out for me. I love that! Thanks Mike!

On the way back from the Internet Saan, I bumped into Kim & Jess and led them back to the Saan/Internet to avoid the Snakes n Ladder's game that I had to play to find it. We S.G.'s have to stick together! I am finding that female travellers form an instant kinship, however brief our meetings. I chuckled when Kim told me she thought the food here might be a little "cagey". I might have to eat my leftover Granola cookies from my bus trip. One thing I have found is sharing cookies with a bus bench buddy always gets a smile, and paves the way to a friendlier voyage, which helps to take my mind off of the driver's heavy foot on the curvy highway. Also helpful to have someone tell you why Belizean Custom officials stopped us, with a military jeep nearby (complete with armed guards - Denis, don't even ask me what kind of guns they had, I know 2 sizes, and they were of the Grande variety).

My fellow cookie monster informed me that they were looking for a stolen flashlight (huh???). Phew, for a second there, I thought I had boarded the wrong bus & back at the Belizean/Mexico border!!, I knew I wasn't, but the thought did cross my mind).

Another note to self: pack a compass for my next trip, and yes there will be one..only a week in and "The Road Calls Me Dear" constantly goes thru my mind. (thanks for the quote John).

I am grateful for the day, my money belt, and my trustee travelling companion Simon, who was a total good sport about being thrown under the bus & emerging from our 2 hour trek quite dusty!

Onward and upward!


2nd January 2009

"Livin the dream"
Hi Adele, I'm so glad you decided to go for it! It appears that all is well and meeting a ton of people. I knew that would happen.... Enjoy and keep us posted. Yvette

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