Glaciers, Winds, Mountains and Penguins

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South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas
December 5th 2008
Published: December 5th 2008
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On The RocksOn The RocksOn The Rocks

At the end of a little glacier walk there´s nothing better than a whiskey an ice. The ice was many hundreds of years old and unfortunately the whiskey wasn´t!
Last time we wrote we had just been on the glacier in El Calafate in Argentina. Well we headed up to El Chaten and did some day hikes through some amazing countryside with more glaciers, lakes, waterfalls and some even more amazing tasty cakes! Then it was time to say goodbye to Argentina and head down to Puerto Natales in Chile and the famous Torres del Paine.

Now the whole deal with Torres del Paine is that it this amazing countryside that you send 5 to 7 days hiking around and getting at one with nature - unfortunately the budget and timeframe didn´t allow for that so we justed buzzed around in a minibus and did a few short hour or so walks - rather than getting at one with mother nature we more just sat down beside her and had a quick chat. Still got to see some amazing scenery though with more lakes, glaciers, icebergs and a lot more wind!

Puerto Natales was a cool little sleepy town and home to the famous Milodon (an almost pre-historic creature that lived in a cave near Torres del Paine). The day we left they celebrated our departure by burning
Another Town, Another Walk, Another GlacierAnother Town, Another Walk, Another GlacierAnother Town, Another Walk, Another Glacier

Here´s a nice little ¨couple on holidays¨shot in front of one of the many glaciers at El Chaten. Did you know that the ice field for all these glaciers stretches for 13000 square kilometres and is the next biggest ice mass behind Greenland. Wow!
down one of the big tourist hotels there - I guess they felt that after having the cream of the tourist crop staying in the town there was no need to attractive and house any more tourists 😉

We then headed down to Punta Arenas (that apparently translates as ¨sandy point¨, not ¨the town so windy it will blow your face off your head¨ - that´s what we thought it meant). Here is where Charles Darwin came to befriend the local indigenous people by calling them ¨sub-human¨- nice one Chuck! The people in Chile that we have met have been really lovely. We had a lot of people saying they weren´t a friendly bunch but they have been great!

Anyway we have been hanging out with the penguins in PA and they have been wicked. SArita loves penguins and I think it is because she is currently spending most of her time dressed like one and secondly they share many cute characteristics (they both have a little waddle, Sarita only when she is tried, and they can be a little clumpsy and they are both very cute!) I almost got confused and brought one back to Punta Arenas
Between WalksBetween WalksBetween Walks

Got to keep the energy stores up. The cake was as big as 2 of my fists! It almost rivalled the great cinamon bun of Panama City - we so regret not taking a photo of that bun!
with me leaving Sarita on the Isla Magallanes, I swear if that little penguin was wearing sunglasses it would be coming with me to the lake district.

Well that´s it for now we are off to the lovely lake district to see amongst other things lakes (no surprise there), volcanoes, maybe another glacier or 2 and some vineyards. Bye for now from me and Sarita.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Hanging With ButchHanging With Butch
Hanging With Butch

This is a hotle where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid hid away for a month after robbing a train in Argentina. They went on to apparently get shot (a few theories on their deaths are around, one includes them living with Elvis in Patagonia somewhere - I have in fact started that theory just now) in Boliva, as did Che. Boliva just keeps going down in our eyes.
Moody NatalesMoody Natales
Moody Natales

Here is a nice arty, moody shot from the shore line of Puerto Natales.
The Milodon Steps Into A House Of PainThe Milodon Steps Into A House Of Pain
The Milodon Steps Into A House Of Pain

This Milodon was just getting a bit lippy so I had to intorduce him to my friend pain! After that it was all smiles and we just hung out for a while in his big cave chewing some cocoa leaves.
Impressive viewsImpressive views
Impressive views

You can see why people rave about the secnery at Torres del Paine. The photo still does not do it justice. It had loads of cool fauna too like guanacos (like llamas), condors, flamingos and nandus (these mini emus that the indigenous people use to eat - it was so popular amongst the locals that they started a fast food chain called Nandu's which then went on to be stolen by the Portguese and called Nando's.... another fact I just made up now!)
Still ImpressedStill Impressed
Still Impressed

They views just kept on coming!
More IceMore Ice
More Ice

Patagonia has more ice than a Kayne West necklace! The photo doesn´t quite show it but it has the sun shining right through this iceberg to give it an eerie blue glow. Soooooo cool!
Glacier AdammoGlacier Adammo
Glacier Adammo

I found my own glacier and named it Glacier Adammo.... it didn´t like it as the little mongrel cut me! Who would know that ice could get so sharp!
Isla MagallenaIsla Magallena
Isla Magallena

So many penguins! Apparently there are about 145000 adults on the island and this doubles when the chicks hatch. It would be harder to find a place to stay here than in Rio at carnaval time!
Spot the DifferenceSpot the Difference
Spot the Difference

Just to let you know Sarita is the one with the sunglasses on!

5th December 2008

I love the penguin photo with Seeth in, penguins r so cute! I love reading the blogs and seeing the photos! Love you both x x x
5th December 2008

those penguins are the best! and wowee what scenery. absolutely stunning. those photies are ones to get blown up for the living room wall aren't they?! xx
8th December 2008

Mmmmm, Cake...awlerggrgeeghh
Nice to see you guys dropped in to the Cakes District before visiting the Lakes District. Booya! What a play on words. I still got it. Ol' Bro
16th December 2008

Penguins vs. Yr hat
Adam - I'm not sure if I find the penguins or your HAT more awesome. You can not come back home without that orange beauty.

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