Leaving on Safari!

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Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Laikipia Plateau
November 2nd 2008
Published: November 2nd 2008
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I am leaving tomorrow morning on safari! First to Lake Nakuru and then to the Masai Mara, on the edge of the Serengeti. The guide is a friend of Vicki and Geoff's, and I am joining a group Swedes he had already booked. I will end up in Nairobi on Wednesday night and then take a matatu back here on Thursday.

Today we ate lunch at the airfield on the edge of the Laikipia Plateau. It is about 45 minutes from here by car. Expats gather there and the Brits have a helicopter training base. We were only a few kilometers south of the Equator! Much of the land we passed through is old lava flow from Mt Kenya. On the way we passed some of the rose plantations in the distance. The flowers are sold all over the world.

I saw my first monkey here this morning, coming back from church. The students' singing was beautiful, but everything was in Swahili...including a long sermon.

Yesterday Vicki and I went into Nyeri and shopped, went to the cash machine, and had lunch. We were the only white people that we saw on the whole trip. People spoke to me about Obama and everyone here is so hopeful for world change. We also ran into some street urchins who harassed us after I made the mistake of talking to them! Vicki took care of them!

In the late afternoon, I went for walk by myself on the road near the school and met a group of children coming home from some kind of work. Wary after my encounter in town, I passed them by without talking. They were intent on telling me something and the school guard explained that they wanted their photo taken. So for the next several minutes I took pictures as more of the family arrived. The adults did not want to get into picture, but one was adamant that I give the photos to the kids. I tried to explain that I had no way to print them....wish I spoke more Swahili...

If any of you watched the NYC marathon today, a woman from Nyeri was racing and may have placed or won. She was also a silver medalist in the Olympics.

I am in the school staff office, and the strings class is practicing next door...It sounds beautiful....It rained heavily last night, but the moon and stars are out tonight...

I will add pictures when I can use the library computer again.

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2nd November 2008

Jambo, that is the only swahili word I know. actually Jambo sawna, hello children, Well gald to hear from you no matter where you are. I love to see the school children. The lanscape is not bad too. Just watnted to drop a not to say hello. Off to do homework-yeah Look forward more posts. Jen

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