Thanxgiving in OZ

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Oceania » Australia
October 22nd 2008
Published: October 22nd 2008
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Because I had to miss Thanxgiving at home this year, I decided to host a Canadian Thanxgiving in OZ.

There is no such holiday here so everyone was keen to join in and experience turkey and cranberries (I couldn’t do pumpkin pie).

We had 15 people crammed into our small apartment (surprisingly we did not get a noise complaint) and all went off without a hitch.

The “turkey” I made was actually a turkey leg. I can’t imagine the size of the turkey it must have come from because it was so big it took 2 hours to make and barely fit in my oven. It was the first turkey I have made on my own and I was pleased that it turned out to be quite tasty.

We started the dinner out by saying grace and proceeded to say what we are thankful for. We had some pretty interesting declarations of gratitude.

All in all everyone had a fantastic evening and I was happy to bring a bit of home to the sunny coast.

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22nd October 2008

You will make it!
I recently tripped onto your blog and find it interesting.... The part about self worth. Life is so full of ups and downs and everyone elses expectations that its hard to let that all go and start living life the way that YOU want to live it.... It looks as if your grasping this now and the future is looking bright.... A few idiams that make fun of life that I ascribe to are.... "it is what it is"...."the same only different"..."it ain't no sin to take off your skin and dance around in your bones". Laugh at your self from time to time and always remember that you are so much better off than others . Hope you get some use from my ranting. Best of luck to you, Jim

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