The Agent returns - but not for long

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September 21st 2008
Published: September 21st 2008
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The Agent  goes glidingThe Agent  goes glidingThe Agent goes gliding

Yes - that's a parachute!!
The Agent came back from Aus tired but with presents last Sunday, arriving at Heathrow an hour or so late, but still at the unhelpful time of 6.30am. She was very pleased to have seen her sisters, her parents, my relos and a smattering of friends in her hectic 2 week visit.
For the first time ever her bags weighed less than when she left - on the way out she had been carrying some valuables to be left in the safe hands of others - valuables we didn't want to take to south america, the back-up hard drive from the PC, a bottle of Grange and one of Chateau Margaux (thanks Fede and Farrah!) that need some cellar time at my mothers and, to the overt curiosity of some friends a few 'city clothes' we have pre-positioned in Melbourne for when we arrive in April next year. We thought it was a sensible strategy to have some jeans and city-black items awaiting us after 5 months travelling in the same easy-care-no-iron layers. Accusations of excessive organising were raised - and promptly ignored!
We are down to one car now that the Agent sold hers in the first week it was
Waiting to flyWaiting to flyWaiting to fly

Not quite Heathrow
advertised. The sharing of this asset she proposed has so far resulted in a program whereby she gets the car and I get the train. I am led to believe that this week I will have it for a couple of days to travel to North Wales for the last time, but I suspect that that it will be in her hands again before too long - something about her need for mobility exceeding mine?
We had the best weather of the summer this weekend, and finally got to use the vouchers for gliding we had. It was slightly disconcerting to be given a mini-lecture on how to bail out of the glider and use the supplied parachute, but in all lots of fun. Amazing to think that something weighing over half a tonne can stay in the air with no propulsion! The Agent was treated to a loop-the-loop on the way in to land, and was well pleased with her foresight to have downed a motion sickness tablet in advance.
I published a web address to the Google map I made for our travels - only to be told it is not a live link. That's beyond me I'm afraid - but if you copy it into your browser, then it works.
So, only 5 weeks to go now - 4 at work, then one to run around in small circles getting everything done. Can't really believe it is all coming to a conclusion - this phase anyway.


23rd September 2008

You cannot be serious?!
Smashing blog mate - I hope you'll be keeping us poor sedentary types posted throughout the epic journey. But you've got us worried about dropping clothes off in Melbourne - not so much the organisation (though 'retentive' did cross my mind, albeit fleetingly) - but what makes you think you'll actually fit those clothes after swanning around for months on end, drinking beer and eating Americas style??! Go for it guys - the UK will miss you both!
2nd October 2008

Big girl's Blouse!
Parachutes? For gliding??? In Cornwall we don't use/need parachutes! We rely on hot air.....
5th October 2008

Big girl's blouse indeed
and you would have plenty of that! See you next weekend....

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