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September 11th 2008
Published: September 11th 2008
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Just a quick one as didnt load all my pics on the last blog. I had done soo much you see. I had an easy day at work and spent the morning on the ward with the girls and took some balloons over and it is amazing how much fun you can have with them. I hace included some photo's of the girls from yesterday playing with one of the gifts Sarah sent over to me (thank you once again Sarah) and you can see how much fun we had with them.

Well thats me for now, and I'm off to the beacj 2morrow for the w/end with 2 other voluneers. We're getting the bus there and will prob take 4 hours?? It is a little island to the south and looks soo lovely so there will be more pics for you all.....

Take care for now


Naz xxxxxxxx

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Photos: 35, Displayed: 22


on the elephanton the elephant
on the elephant

I think the elephant has farted or was it me???

12th September 2008

Hi Naz, What awesome photos, it looks like you are having an amazing time. I am sooooo envious. All good here, same old ...same old!!!!! X
16th September 2008

It was you.
How can you blame that poor elephant for the fart I am sure it was you. After being stuck in prep after you let one off I feel sorry for the elephant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you are having such a great time and not working to hard . Take care lots of love from Karen.
16th September 2008

Hi Naz, I've just been catching up on your blogs. Sounds like you will have enough to compile a novel when you get home!! The pix look amazing and it looks like you've found some right beauty spots! I definatley wouldn't get that close to a tiger though...although it could well be Furby's cousin. He's fine now by the way. Hope your having as much fun as it looks. Speak soon. Neez x x x x

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