linzy luvz singapore!

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Asia » Singapore
August 9th 2008
Published: August 9th 2008
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I got to Bangkok airport and evrythnig was fine, checked in and went to go threw passport controll and they said i was 2 days over my visa. i was like, oh ok as i didnt realise. They made me pay 1000bah wich is like 15squid. i wasnt impressed as i was sure i had a longer visa, but nevermind, just glad i didnt get arrested!! so on i went to singapore. the fligth was fine, appart from i was freezing and asked for a blanket about 3 times and they didnt bring me one untill we wer landing. ha! so had MR gibbon wrapped round my legs! bless him. i arrived in singapore got the underground to where i needed to catch a taxi. i got off the train and couldnt for the life of me find the exit so ended up walking round a huge shopping mall with my rucksak on for ages. finally found the taxi q n had to wait ages! dang. got a taxie then he dint know where my hostel was so driving round for ages as the bill got bigger. then he had to ring them as we still couldnt find it. so 20 mins later i get there, finally!

The hostel is awsome, proper love it. it feels like im on big brother or something, the room is quite posh! free internet also wich is always a brusy bonus! i didnt do much lastngith just wachd a crap film in the hostel and went to bed. had breakfast with a girl from my room but shes gone now. got talking to some other girls and we went for a wonder round. a place called little india, really cute. went to a temple and saw some sort of blesing, was intresting but didnt really get what was going on, just alot of chanting, pettles, crazy music and fire. humm. we walkd for miles. went to wer all the shops wer but i was good and didnt buy anything this time! had dinner at a japanese fast food resteraunt wich was interesting! we went to a palce called botonic gardens or something like that, wich was relaly nice, like a park thing. saw some swans turtles and hugge spider! we caught the local bus back to the hostel.

Found out some of the meuseums wer free after 6pm on a friday so we went to the art meuseum wich was kool. then we went to raffels hotel wich is a super posh hotel and had a singapore sling! for 20$ wich is expensive!!! the hotel was so posh. a real cute man on piano. 'hello madame, you do know your welcome any time' is what he said, bless him. lol after raffels we went to catch something to eat where all the pubs and resteraunts are. had mexican woow! we met up with some other girls from the hostel and decided to go the the worlds biggest ministry of sound night club! woow! it was amazing! wish bad boy was with me, shed have loved it! i got stalked by a singapore guy, was abit odd. lol. the club was huggee! i was in my element! havent had a proper night like that in agess!! we just danced all nigth. 3 of the girls went home but me and emily from new zealand stayd out. we couldnt get a taxi so ended up getting a little old man on a bike with a side car to take us home! it was awsome, had a radio and evrythig! we boogied all the way home!

Went to China town today. I walked there. Done alot of walking whilst in Singapore, wich is gooowdd! i ate at a local resteraunt but didnt like what i orderd but ate it anyway cos i didnt want to be rude! i caught the MRT back to the hostel and slept most the afternoon i was knackerd! it was singapore national day today so there was celebrations going on and stuff, it was kool. we went to the marina to wach the fire works they wer amazing. really loud and pretty! we ate at a food hall wich was ace. had a curry! some dodgey man on karaoke in the middle singing oldies. was amusing. bless!

We(zoe and selina) decided to go to clarke queys for a drink in this crazy bar wich was like a hospital, sat in weelchairs and drank from a drip. i had the first sip of this drink, and didnt know how to turn it off so ended up squirting it evrywer, what an idiot! was pretty random but fun! then we deiced to go to Ministry again! whhops! im obsessed with the place its amazing! it was better tonight as there was acts on dancing and stuff and it was all decorated cos it was national day celebration. had a right boogy again!

I fly to Australia 2mrw at 10am so came home from ministry early as i need to be up!(how sensible of me!) sorry its a long post, probably with lots of errors again! but hey nevermind!

speak soon. XXX


9th August 2008

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh lucy lady. australia!!!!!
10th August 2008

onward to OZ
Hi ya LINZ. Just to say hi ya you always find your way in the end all roads lead to OZ lol,Col did come home same time you left Thia land.let me know your new number asp everything fine here,take care and safe flight love you loads XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
11th August 2008

Hiya you!!
Hi there. Lindz, the botanic gardens are very famous you mad head, me being so horticultural and that!! Hope your flights ok, watch your bags and that (no im not your mum, honest!!). I want more pics please!! love ya xxxxx
28th August 2008

ey up lovie! i wish i went to bloody ministry with you, sounds amazing... have to stick to sunday night welly instead haha booo sounds like your STILL having a mental time. keep safe linz. miss you x

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