the end :-( !!

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August 6th 2008
Published: August 6th 2008
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well hello! this is my last post from Thailand. How sad?!?! i havent done much at all, appart from drink and shop! whoops! but its all good! i will miss Thailand lots and lots. ill miss the 'you want wedding dress miss' when you look like shit and have no wedding ring. ill miss the 'you want tuk tuk, wer u go' when im clearly not going anywer. ill miss the corn on the cobs from the cute little women on the side stalls for 20bah. Ill miss 'du du du that ton' :-( ill miss overnight trains, ill miss shit rooms with no aircon and cracked walls. ill miss 'sawadekaaaaa'. ill miss lots of things. :-( but i cant wait for my next adventure! iv had an ace time here. done some amazing things and met some friends for life. roll on singapore!!!!



6th August 2008

a chapter end's another begin's linz :-)
Well little one all i can say is you done it seen it all there so you have more adventures waiting for you, nice to c you on the net david's hair is like a girl but he wont get it cut lol.cant wait for weekend guess wot im out lmao.well my chops are ready will save you one (not) by by for now love you load's from us all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DAD MANDI and brats XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
7th August 2008

Well Linz, that's one chapter ended and a new one is about to begin! What a fantastic time you've had with loads of new experiences I'm sure you will never forget. By the way, I've just cut a chilli off the plant and put it in a chilli con carne for tea, will be thinking of you when we eat it! Going camping again in 2 days time, lets hope it doesn't rain too much! Keep safe Matey, take care. Ingrid xxx
8th August 2008

one big adventure ....
Hey Baby Girl x glad you enjoyed thailand am sure you'll feel the same way about Singapore when its time to move on from there so soak in all the culture have a scream and stay safe x ps keep up with this blog you describe everything so well i can picture you on that night bus ...bless ya cotton odd socks! x miss ya as always and me love you long time x x x x netty
8th August 2008

well done
Hi Lindsay well done part one of your first adventure done and now onwards to another. I cant waite for next part and the adventures and telling use all about . Just got back from taking Forrest to obedience classes he doing real well. any way take care love anita and oldies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
9th August 2008

Next installment....
Hi Linz! Ditto all the other comments! The adventure won't stop (til you get back to 'ull) ha ha! I have been off work with an insect bite on my wrist which then poisoned my arm! Been in agony! I thought you could only get maleria abroad???? Didn't realise Hull was this exotic - must be global warming. Anyway - love you loads and keep blogging. Helen and Paul xxxx

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