Chiang Mai

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July 29th 2008
Published: July 29th 2008
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We got the night bus to Chang Mai. was uncomfy, but Mr Gibbon is one heck of a pillow! my chair was the squeekiest one on the bus, good job i got my ear plugs! i slept quite well supprisingly. laura sprawled out on the floor, lol. it was a 12 hour journey and we arrived in Chang Mai about 6.30am. we got a taxi to a cheap guest house in the centre. went straight to bed when i got in. woke up about 2.00. with no energy and feeling crapper than i did the day b4, so went for a full body massage, was lovely! think im addicted to them, been getting laods recently!

we met some girls on the bus so went to the night market with them then had a few beers by the pool. but iv been ill so went to bed. i bought crap from the market, seriously need 2 stop it! lol. the next day evryone else went to ride elephants but i decided not to as id already done it. so just sorted my rucksack out as it stinks! lol. went for a walk and when i got back the others wer back. we went to a tample up laods and loads of steps. we got a taxi there wich only just made it, thought we wer gonna have to get out and push! black smoke was making us dizzy!! the temple had a great view, could see the whole of Chiang Mai. there was a rainbow too but cant see that on picture :-( was really nice. had to climb over 300 steps to get to it thow! keeping fit i guess!

we went out on the night, there was 9 of us all together, we picked up some more peole along the way! lol. went to another market, the sunday market or something wich was ace. loved it. was really kool stuff, like handmade and unusual. bought more stuff! arghh. we had a few drinks in thei kool bar with men on banjos and tambareens. ended up going to a nightclub, wich was more like a bard with really loaud music, no dance floor. but we made one! haa. stayd for one drink then moved on to another club wich was fun. this one had a dance floor so i got my groove on!

Yesterday, i woke up and felt reallly ill, id been ill the last few days but thought it would go away, more fool me im now on antibiotics! dang! but i feel alot better for it so thats good. we had dinner, the lads orderd sphagetti bolognase(spelling?lol) wich was just sphagetti with salsa sauce, not impressed! thats why i always go for the safe option- cheese and ham toastie! lol. after dinner. we said we would get tattoos, wed been talking about it a while so we went in. i knew what i wanted and so did nick. i was gonna wait and get it another day as i felt so ill but decided to stay and wach nick get his done. it looks really kool, he got some writing on his foot. he was in pain bless, lol. i held his hand! laura bought him beer and he was alright! i perkd up, so decided to get one while i was there, otherwise id have chickend out. i got some writing in thai on my ankle it says 'live your life' cos thats what my nanner said to me. and it makes me live it. lol. and i liek the way it looks in thai! so i thought id be really crap and scream and stuff, but i was so kool i couldnt belive it, lol. laura got hers done and screamd the place down singing to oasis! lol. was amusing bless her. i love my tattoo, cant stop looking at it! lol. i want more now thow, but im not going too! we was in the tatto place about 5 hours! it was kool thow the guys wer ace. there was only us in there.

we left at about 10ish and headed for food. then Andy was at thai boxing so we went there thinking wed have 2 pay 2 get in, but we just walked in! saw a couple of fights, i got abit too into it and was shouting and got abit tense, lol. an english guy was in the last fight, he KOD the Thai guy so we all cheerd. was class.

wev checked out 2day and are gonig to see about going to Laos now. will update soon. miss and love you all. linz XXXXXX

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sleepy mansleepy man
sleepy man

bless him.

whoops. lol

29th July 2008

Hi Linz, do you know tattoos look awful on middle aged women!!(Only joking) you were very brave to have it done. Lets have a photo of it. Just got back from camping in Scarborough, was bloody hot!29 degrees. Off to Cropton on friday for a few days. Finished work now thank God, he who must be obeyed is doing my head in........again!!!complete dickhead!!!Anyway have fun,but keep yourself safe xxxx
29th July 2008

chiang my my
Hi ya. Glad you rang, nice to hear your voice and speak to you.That was a long bus journey 12 hours wow,all the traveling will be taking it's toll now your living in the fast lane lol,we thought our taxi's were bad lol,seen the tat yeh look's ok like it.Thai boxing sound's good soon get into it when its live scrapping dont ya.thought i had a good job the sleepy man beats me ha! ha!,is Laos in vtnam?you have got a nice tan now, well thats it for now of to feed your fav dog's cracker and bessie lol well that's it for now take care lot's and lot's of love from us all xxxxxxxxxxx:- )
30th July 2008

The Survey Said.......
Hi Linz, its great to see you having a fantastic time. We say go for it. Liked the new tatoo. No question of the excellent artistry however there is a difference of opinion as to its true meaning. So we asked 100 people "What does the scripturs tatooed on your foot mean when translated into English? Our survey said..... 5. Sweet and sour pork with boiled rice. 4. Fish that swim amongst the trees are lost. 3. For fun times call the mad monk. 2. I'm not a real tatooist, I did this for a bet. and the top answer in our survey was.... 1. Hand wash only, do not steam iron. Made in Thailand Take care Linz and will be in touch soon love Mike and Mum xxx

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