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July 16th 2008
Published: July 16th 2008
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so on sunday we left hostel 639, and bussed down to canetbury, about two hours southeast of london. WE LOVE CANTERBURY. it is all winding cobblestone alleys and great old houses and lovely parkland/river and just, beautiful. we stayed in the nicest hostel (, our room was like a little loft with lovely views, the staff were fantastic, it was cheap and we had a great bfast and just- if you are ever in canterbury, go there!

of course being the massively unorganised shambles we are, we knew that monday night we were staying in portsmouth down on the south coast, but hadnt bothered to work out how we were going to get there....turned out we had to go all the way back to london! that aside we arrived in portsmouth around 7. for those who dont already know, while were over here we are involving ourselves in a project run by, which is pretty much people offering to host you in their homes for free! we had our first couchsurf in portsmouth with a french guy named colin. it was a fantastic experience- happened to be there on french national day so were taken to meet what seemed like the entire french community in portsmouth- were treated with copious amounts of french cheese, meats, bread and wine, met some amazing people and were treated great! it was so worthwhile and we are totally humbled by the kindness of strangers!

yesterday explored portsmouth, which it must be said was less impressive a place than canterbury...very industrial, a bit like geelong but dirtier! the weather was beautiful though and we had a big walk and all got sunburnt- again. hopped on a train across to chichester, met alex at the train station and caught a taxi out to seaford college. alex is helping teach PE here with a gap program and it is massive- castle like dorms and miles of rolling green fields...ridiculously big really. right now were holed up on big comfy couches watching british tv on a wall size projecter, pretty luxurious for scummy backpackers we think!

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waiting for alexwaiting for alex
waiting for alex

it has become a bit of a running joke with everyone we meet that our bags are bigger than us...a lot of people laugh at us struggling with them! we are getting strong!

17th July 2008

you are all completely awesome!

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